Maxine Waters responds to death threats: "You better shoot directly"


Rep. Maxine Waters Maxine Moore WatersHouse President GOP: Death threats against Maxine Waters are "intolerable" Democrats can embrace voters swinging with Progressive Vote Clinton tears up complaints about civility: "What's more unconvincing and cruel than to remove the children? & # 39; MORE (D-Calif.) Addressed a series of recent death threats that she received, telling alleged menacing to "shoot right" at a rally on the Saturday

"I know that there are those who talk about censoring me, chasing me out of Congress, shooting me and hanging me up?", Tells Waters to the crowd In Los Angeles

"All I have to say, it's Kill me, it's better to shoot straight, there's nothing like a wounded animal," she said. added to cheers

Waters was forced to cancel a pair of events in Alabama and Texas this week after a "very serious death threat". She said she was harassed after she called the protesters to confront the Trump administration officials in public with her "zero tolerance" immigration policy

Trump criticized Waters at a rally stating in a tweet that Waters called the protesters to harm his supporters.

"As the president continued to lie and pretend falsely that I was encouraging people to attack his supporters, while offering a veiled threat that I should" be careful "" Waters insisted that & # 39; She did not call any harm and said that she believed in "a peaceful protest," Waters said in the statement. "

The Democrat then appeared on MSNBC's" All In With Chris Hayes "on Monday and read a list of times when Trump used physically loaded rhetoric.

Waters snapped at Trump during the ra" 19659005 "How dare you take the babies into his mother's arms," ​​says Waters.

The legislature criticized the Zero Tolerance Policy of the Trump administration that previously separated migrant children from their parents. [19659004] Trump signed an executive order earlier this month to end the practice of family separation.

"Families Belong Together" marches took place on Saturday throughout the country while thousands of children have not yet been reunited. r families.

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