Maxine Waters "surprised" by the reproaches of fellow Democrats, says Trump will not intimidate him


Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Said Sunday that she was "surprised" by critics of Democratic leaders about her statement that people should "push back" Trump administration members on her immigration policy

. I recognize, as an elected official, that in the final analysis, the leadership […] will do whatever it deems necessary to protect its leadership, and what I must do, c & # 39; is not to focus on them, "Mr Waters told MSNBC

. ] Waters drew Republicans' criticism last weekend after telling protesters in his Los Angeles congressional district that members of the public would have to face Trump's administration members and tell them that they are not welcome. Waters made the remarks after White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave the restaurant in Virginia and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen left a restaurant after protesters shouted at the restaurant. she. they were made public, while the Democratic leader of the Senate told the Senate that the harassment of political opponents was "unfair" and "non-American".

Waters claimed to be "surprised" that Schumer criticized a member of the commentary. The comments did not go unnoticed by President Trump, who tweeted last week that Waters should "pay attention to what you want". Tuesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., Said that Waters should apologize.

Waters told MSNBC that she had received "several" death threats and that one person had been arrested in connection with these threats. I've been blessed with courage and I've been blessed with the kind of strength that does not allow me to be intimidated by Donald Trump, "said Waters." What's it? " He calls everything he wants to call me, that he says all he wants to say, he will not stop me. "

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