Maxine Waters warns her supporters not to counterattack armed rallies against her


Rep. Maxine Waters Maxine Moore WatersFormer Dem Top: Not all candidates should attack Trump hoping to catch fire, House Dems Eye White House House passes bipartisan bill to boost business investment PLUS [19659003] (D-Calif.) On Wednesday, she urged her supporters not to counter the armed protests coming against her.

She said that the Sermentists, a far-right group associated with militia movements, are planning several weeks of protests against her, which should begin on Thursday. The Southern Poverty Law Center described the group as a "fiercely anti-government and militarist group" that often organizes heavily armed protests.

Some Waters supporters plan counter-projects at the same time and at the same time, but Waters says it will only exacerbate the tension. "19659004" I ask individuals and groups who are planning a counter-proposal not to oath keepers with demonstrations in the opposition, "Waters told ABC News." Such an event would only happen in the future. exacerbate tensions and increase the potential for conflict. "

Waters criticized last month for his calls to face Trump administration officials in public, with several conservatives claiming his statement was a call to violence. "I have no sympathy for those people who are in this administration who know it's wrong, what they do, on so many fronts, but they tend not to want to face this President, "said Waters at a rally in Los Angeles in June.

" For those members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him … People will turn against them; they will protest, "she added.

Waters later said that she was calling for peaceful protest, but the oath Keepers launched a" call for action "against Waters for her" incitement " to terrorism. "

The oath keepers would want nothing more than to ignite racial tensions and create an explosive conflict in our community," Waters said.

She said police officers would stay close to her Thursday to ensure safety and security. President Trump Donald John TrumpIran claims that he rejected Trump meeting requests 8 times ESPY jokes home Putin was as happy after the Trump summit as Ovechkin winning Stanley Cup ambassador : Trump made "verbal agreements" with Putin MORE slammed Waters, who has long called for his indictment, that he frequently calls the new leader of the Democratic Party and who names her as an "individual" low intelligence quotient "

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