Maxine Waters warns of the harassment of Trump officials will continue: "People" go on them & # 39;


Rep. From California Maxine Waters made it clear that she has "no sympathy" for the head of the Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and others within the Trump administration who find their dinner plans interrupted.

Speaking on MSNBC on Saturday night, the congressman started by saying that Nielsen should "absolutely" step down.

Then she said this: "I have no sympathy for those people who are in this administration who, you know, know that it's wrong what they do on so many fronts but they tend not to want to confront this president or even leave … I want to tell you, for those members of his cabinet who are staying and trying to defend him, they will not be able to go to the restaurant, they will not be able to go Stop at a gas station, they are not going to be able to shop in a department store .. people will turn against them, they will protest, they will absolutely harass them. "

She added that the harassment would continue until those working for Trump decided to "tell the president" No, I can not hang out with you. It's wrong. This is inadmissible. We can not continue to do that to children. "

Earlier this week, Nielsen found his dinner at a Mexican restaurant interrupted by protesters.

Press Secretary of the White House Sarah Sanders He was also asked to leave a small restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, by the owner on Friday night because, according to Sanders, she was working for Trump.

Look above, via MSNBC

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