McCain's chief of staff says he's considering the Senate bid as a Democrat


Grant Woods gives a tribute during a memorial service for late senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), On Aug. At North Phoenix Baptist Church in Phoenix. (Jae C. Hong / AP)

John McCain's Chief of Staff said Wednesday that he is considering running for the Senate as President of the United States.

Grant Woods, who is also a former Arizona Attorney General, said in an interview that he has spoken to several Senate Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.).

Woods supported Hillary Clinton's campaign for president and said he has been troubled by Trump in recent years. McCain's death has him to consider "I need to step up at this point in time," he said.

"What's changed for John McCain's passing," said Woods, who delivered to the late senator last week. "It's challenging for me to be involved in everything we did to honor him or her." John McCain. "

The New York Times first reported Tuesday that Woods, who was McCain's chief of staff when he served in the House, was talking to Democrats about a potential run.

The future of McCain's seat is in doubt. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey appointed Republican Fellow Jon Kyl to succeed McCain. But Kyl, who was sworn in Wednesday, has only committed to serving the end of this Congress. He previously served in the Senate from 1995 to 2013 and does not want to pursue a long-term return to Congress.

Arizona voters will get to decide who should fill McCain's seat in the 2020 election and then again in 2022.

Woods said he spoke to Schumer briefly about a potential run at a memorial service for McCain in Washington last week. A representative for Schumer declined to comment. Woods said that what's going on?

Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Tom Udall of New Mexico. Like Woods, Heitkamp served as state attorney general. He said: "I have a very good relationship with the world, and I am very much in touch with him. "The Senate needs more public servants like him," Heitkamp added.

McCain, who served 35 years in Congress, died Aug. 25 after battling brain cancer.

Democrats are eagerly contesting Arizona's other Senate seat this year. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) is in a competitive race against Rep. Martha McSally (R) for the seat being vacated by retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake.

Democrats view the Arizona race as one of their best chances to flip to the seat of red to blue, as they seek to take control of the Senate. Although Arizona has been a reliably Republican state, it has had a long history of democratic elections.

Woods could encounter difficulties in a Democratic primary, given his long-standing ties to the Republican Party. For now, he says he is in no rush to decide what he will do.

But he is ruled out running a Republican – as long as the GOP is dominated by Trump, whom he does not expect to change any time soon.

"I'm not going to hold my breath on Trump because I'm not going to pass out," said Woods.

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