McCaskill knocks Warren and Sanders when asked about "crazy democrats"


Speaking exclusively for Fox News on Monday, Democratic Sen. Senator Missouri, Claire McCaskill, dropped the names of two high-ranking colleagues, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, at the invitation of Fox News. identify the "crazy democrats" against whom his campaign has distanced himself days. McCaskill said that she would not call the two "crazy" but said that they had disagreements with each other.

The Senator from Missouri also expressed his categorical support for the President 's harsh speech on the new caravan of migrants from Central America, as well as the crackdown on the administration against what was said. fraudulent asylum applications are endemic.

McCaskill unveiled a new radio announcement last week in which a narrator assured voters: "Claire is not one of those crazy democrats".

"Crazy Democrats are people who wander in restaurants and shout under the faces of elected officials," said McCaskill, former presenter of "Special Reportage," Bret Baier. In recent weeks, progressive activists have harassed Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell while they were dining, as well as Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen.

"We have a senator in Missouri who has pleaded for the assassination of President Trump.He is a crazy democrat," McCaskill continued, referring to Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, censored for her comments last year. "I do not do these things, I'm not someone who thinks we should never be uncivil."

When Baier asked if McCaskill had "crazy" colleagues in the Senate, McCaskill referred to Massachusetts' Senator Elizabeth Massachusetts, considered a potential presidential candidate in 2020.

"I would not say that my colleagues are crazy, but Elizabeth Warren has surely pursued me."

– Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.

"Well, I would say this," McCaskill replied. "I would not say that my colleagues are crazy, but Elizabeth Warren did target me when I advocated redefining certain rules for small banks and credit unions."

In a fiery speech to the Senate earlier this year, Warren criticized Republicans and "far too many Democrats" for "blocking arms to meet the expectations of big banks." President Trump signed the bipartite measure overturning the provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, which he described as a "crippling" network of regulations that decimated the viability of local banks.

McCaskill then announced the name of Sanders, although she did not specify why: "I certainly do not agree with Bernie Sanders on a lot of things, um, so I'm not sure. I'm not scared, so I do not know that kind of thing, which separates me, I think, from some of the fools who are just against the president, anyway. "

The Democrats have largely offered mixed and muted messages on the caravan, with the biggest Democrats accusing Trump of irresponsible rhetoric or trying to change the subject for topics such as health care.

However, McCaskill was energetic: "I think the president has to use all the tools at his disposal," she said. "And, 100%, I support it, that it be fired because we are not equipped to handle as many asylum applications in our system – and from elsewhere, that is." is one of the problems here … When a person crosses the border and asks for asylum, the law says we have to hear it, but we wait too long before we hear it. hear right now, so I do not want our borders, and I support the president's efforts to make sure they're not. "

About 5,200 US troops will be deployed on the southern border in response to the migrant caravan heading north through Mexico, US officials told Fox News Monday.


The average RealClearPolitics (RCP) polls in Missouri now show Republican Senate nominee Josh Hawley ahead of McCaskill by 2 points, based on a new poll released Saturday by Missouri Scout and showing Hawley rising 4 points.

McCaskill, who has struggled to run as the dominant candidate in a state that won double-digit Trump in 2016, had consistently led the race earlier this year. Despite this, Hawley criticized all of his critics for becoming a "Liberal supporter", especially in light of his vote against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Fox News currently considers the race to be a run.

"I think the vote against Kavanaugh would be difficult, no matter the circumstances," McCaskill told Baier. "My decision has nothing to do with the allegations that were made against Judge Kavanaugh, or Judge Kavanaugh now." My problem with him was his opinion that he wrote that he thought the Foreign money should be allowed in advertisements that influence our elections and that there should be no limit to contributions to campaigns. "

Baier pointed out that McCaskill had voted against the two nominees to the Trump Supreme Court, while she supported all those of former President Obama. McCaskill replied that she had voted in favor of approving more than 70% of the overall appointments of Trump federal judicial candidates.

The Missouri Democrat also unequivocally explained her decision to support Hillary Clinton's bid for the 2016 presidential election, while Clinton's comments in New York seemed to suggest that she would be open to another run at home. white. Trump carried Missouri to two figures.

"It's a tough question," McCaskill replied. "You know, obviously, my condition did not agree with me about it.I thought she had extensive and thorough experience that qualified her But I prefer to look forward and not back. "

McCaskill, standing in front of his campaign bus during the interview, seemed ready for the November 6 elections. She also seemed to be hoping to put the bus behind her, literally: This summer, she drew many critics for touting her use of a massive custom passenger vehicle to visit the state, even though She was trying to hide that she was also using a private plane. traveling at the same time.

"I spend a lot of time on it," said McCaskill, referring to the bus. "You know, not now but for months." Can I tell you a secret? I'm a little tired of the bus. I love people. Kissing strangers. But I spent a lot of time in the bus this year. "

Bret Baier from Fox News contributed to this report.

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