McConnell blasts Hillary Clinton for preaching no civility with GOP


"She told CNN exactly how she views millions of Americans who hold different political views than her own," McConnell said with an incredulous tone during a Senate floor speech. "No peace until they get their way? More of these unhinged tactics? Apparently, these are the left's rallying cry."

"Clinton said," What do you want to do, what do you care about? " "That's why I believe that we are fortunate enough to win back the House and the Senate, that's when we're ready to recognize and respect the strength."

Clinton: "You can not be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for?"

In recent days, McConnell has repeatedly repaid those protesters as angry "mobs" whose out-of-control actions will actually help the Republicans retain their majority in the Senate as Election Day.

"Far left activists decided that the United States Senate and their members should be harassed and intimidated wherever they might be, in a restaurant, with family," McConnell said. "Protesters disregarded the men and women of the Capitol Police and the Supreme Court, climbed on states and tried to literally shout down in the middle of a roll call vote."

Clinton, a former US senator from New York, said Republicans have repeatedly used hard ball tactics to gain power and the Democrats must fight back by winning elections.

"I remember Republican operatives shutting down the voting in Florida in 2000. I remember the swift boating of John Kerry.I remember the things that the Republican Party did to John McCain in 2000. I remember what they did for me for 25 years – – the falsehoods, the lies, which unfortunately people believe, "she said.

"So, when you're dealing with an ideological party that's driven by the lust for power, it's civil, but you can not overcome it." what they intend to do unless you win elections, "she added.

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