McDonald's draws salads from some restaurants during an outbreak of pests


McDonalds stopped serving salads in 3,000 restaurants in 14 states following reports linking dishes to an outbreak of intestinal parasites.

Cases of cyclosporosis, an intestinal disease caused by a unicellular parasite, have increased in recent weeks, and some cases have been linked to McDonald's salads by the state of public health departments in Illinois and Iowa. According to the Wall Street Journal, a quarter of the 90 cases of cyclosporiasis reported in Illinois have been linked to McDonald's salads, while 15 cases have been linked to salads of the same year. Iowa

. announced earlier this week. Now, McDonald's, from what he describes as "an abundance of caution," has stopped serving salads in restaurants in Iowa and Illinois, as well than in other restaurants that have received shipments from the same supplier. These restaurants are located in Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, North Dakota, Kentucky, West Virginia and the United States. Missouri.

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Cyclosporosis causes extremely uncomfortable symptoms, including nausea and diarrhea, but is usually not fatal. It is spread mainly through human fecal matter, especially on raw vegetables. Food washing is not known to be effective in preventing transmission.

Other cases of cyclosporosis have recently been associated with Del Monte vegetable snacks sold in convenience stores, also concentrated in the upper Midwest. According to the FDA, there is no evidence directly linking these cases to McDonald's cases, and McDonald's stated to the Journal that Del Monte was not a supplier for the salads in question.

says that he will switch to a new supplier for his salads.

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