McDonald's Monopoly game was rigged by ex-cop, Twitter reacts


Cheats never thrive unless you're an ex-cop able to handle the McDonald's Monopoly game and steal millions of dollars.

From 1987, the fast food chain introduced its version of Monopoly, where customers feverishly collected game pieces attached to cups , packets of French fries and advertising inserts in magazines. The game promised customers win prizes such as elaborate vacations, cars or $ 1 million, but according to a new article Daily Beast the game was rigged for 12 years by a former policeman named Jerome Jacobson. 19659004] Celebrity Foodies

The article states that Jacobson, also known as "Uncle Jerry", was involved in the Monopoly diet while he was working as a security director for Simon Marketing, the company that produced the game pieces. Jacobson started by stealing the coins and giving them to relatives or distant acquaintances in exchange for a win-win, and soon his gang of criminals consisted of gangsters , mediums, striptease owners, convicts, drug dealers and even a family of Mormons, who had falsely claimed more than $ 24 million in cash and prizes.

Although Jacobson's role in McDonald's gambling fraud Monopoly was discovered in 2001 by an FBI infiltration operation, he was sentenced to 37 months in prison. The article by Daily Beast paints an in-depth portrait of his network of deception, and social network users are both fascinated and angry.

Even has shifted to action by defining the word "monopolize", and several users have already called for a cinematic version of this saga. Take a look at some Twitter reactions below:

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