McDonald's sued for hot water that allegedly burned a customer


A teenager was severely burned after serving hot water at an "unreasonably dangerous" temperature in a McDonald's restaurant in Oregon, according to a lawsuit filed by his mother.

The lawsuit filed last week claimed nearly $ 1.6 million for an incident that allegedly took place last summer in one of the restaurants of the fast food chain in Madras, in the US. Oregon.

Christina Thomas, 14, was seriously injured physically after being hit by hot water while she was a point-of-sale client on July 29, 2017, according to the complaint filed in the District Court of Canada. Multonomah County.

The teenager ended up with "partial thickness burns" in the abdomen, groin and inner thighs, says the lawsuit, which aims to cover past and future medical expenses, as well as $ 1.5 million for pain and suffering.

McDonald's did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the lawsuit, which comes more than 25 years after the death of a 79-year-old woman after she was arrested. be burned with hot coffee served by a McDonald's driving in New Mexico.

This woman, Stella Liebeck, admitted to accidentally spilling the coffee on herself, but explained that the temperature of the beverage between 180 and 190 degrees was dangerously hot and endangering the public. Awarded by a jury of nearly $ 2.9 million, this amount would then have been reduced to about $ 500,000.

The costume became a food for popular culture, the Seinfeld sitcom making sure that one of his characters sued a cafe after being burned in an episode in 1995 while he was hiding hot coffee in his pants before going to the movies.

In a separate court case, a woman had filed a lawsuit against Dunkin's Donuts in New Jersey, after falling into a parking lot and spilling hot coffee while burning herself. She would have settled for $ 522,000 with the channel in 2015.

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