McDonald's workers strike, allege sexual harassment at work


Today is the national cheeseburger day. But if you feel like McDonald's on Tuesday, you might want to check if the nearest McDonald's place is in one of the 10 cities where McDonald's workers are on strike.

Workers from the United States of the global fast food chain came out Tuesday noon. Striking workers require improved procedures to receive and respond to sexual harassment complaints, as well as anti-harassment training for managers and employees. The walkout of 10 cities took place in franchise locations in cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee, New Orleans, Orlando and San Francisco, as well as Durham, North Carolina, Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri.

The strike is part of the national campaign led by Fight for $ 15, an organization that fights for – you guessed it – a minimum wage of $ 15 for workers in various jobs, including fast food, the helpers even auxiliary teachers.

In addition to Fight's support for $ 15, the strike is supported by UP's TIME'S UP Legal Defense Fund, a legal fund created as a result of the #MeToo movement's cascading stories. The fund has $ 13 million in funding for, among other things, the legal defense of victims of sexual misconduct at work.

Workers say McDonald's has ignored complaints of sexual harassment for too long. In San Francisco, for example, women employed by the fast food giant claim to have lived and complained of explicit sexual remarks and unwanted touching by colleagues. They also allege that the complaints were ignored or resulted in retaliation such as undesirable shift changes, according to San Francisco Chronicle. McDonalds did not immediately respond to requests for comments.

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