McSally performs at anthem at ASU homecoming game


Arizona Rep. Martha McSallyMartha Elizabeth McSallyMcSally performs national anthem at ASU homecoming game Republicans put in bind over preexisting conditions Election Day: An hour-by-hour viewer's guide MORE (R) performed the national anthem at Arizona State University's homecoming football game on Saturday.

McSally, who is facing fellow Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) for the seat being vacated by Sen. Jeff FlakeJeffrey (Jeff) Lane FlakeMcSally performs national anthem at ASU homecoming game Republicans put in bind over preexisting conditions (R), appeared Saturday, April 24th, 2011 at 8:15 pm ASU football fans and performed the national anthem while wearing a t-shirt bearing the logo of the Pat Tillman Foundation, a nonprofit serving military veterans and their spouses.

"Thrilled and honored to the National Anthem before @ ASU's homecoming game." Congrats on the win! she tweeted Saturday.

Democrats see the right race as a possible pickup in the Senate Attempts to retake the Senate, where Democrats face a two-seat deficit in Tuesday's elections.


RealClearPolitics's average of polls shows Sinema Leading McSally by Percentage, while an ABC 15 poll of the race this week instead McSally with a 7-point lead.

Sinema also received a boost when a Green Party candidate running in the race dropped out and endorsed the Democratic nominee.

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