Medical journal retraces six research articles on food and nutrition


A prominent medical journal removed six articles from a Cornell University researcher on Wednesday after public concerns prompted publishers to investigate initial claims and found no evidence to support them.

The retracted articles, originally published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, were led by Brian Wansink, Ph.D., and dealt mainly with diet, nutrition and behavior.

The editors contacted Cornell University to verify the results of the six research articles, but could not find the original data.

"We regret that, as we do not have access to the original data, we can not assure you that the results of the studies are valid," Cornell University wrote to the review.

The six articles include:

• Super Bowls: serve bowl size and food consumption.

• The first foods: after 18 hours of fasting, people attracted to starchy foods first and then vegetables.

• Fasting for fattening: Hungry food buyers buy more calories, not more food.

• Watch what you eat: Action-related TV content increases food intake.

• Consequences of belonging to the "club of clean plates".

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