Medical residents of minorities face a burden of bias during training


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Black, Hispanic and Aboriginal Americans make up one-third of the American population, but only 9% of practicing physicians. To address the lack of diversity and inclusion in medicine, Yale physicians conducted a study on the role of race and ethnicity in the training experiences of minority residents.

The research team, led by Dr. Aba Osseo-Asare, conducted qualitative interviews with more than twenty minority residents at a conference in 2017. Participants represented a range of races. and ethnicities as well as medical specialties and geographical locations. They were asked about their general experiences as residents, specific incidents of race and discrimination, and the climate of diversity in their institutions, among other issues.

Three main themes emerged from the interviews. Minority residents described the daily experience of bias and microagressions. They also indicated that they have been invited to serve as race / ethnicity ambassadors to help address diversity issues in their institutions. Third, residents reported experiencing a dichotomy between their professional identity and their personal identity. The researchers observed that the biases were often subtle or hidden.

To address this complex problem, the research team has highlighted a recently established requirement that all residency programs must promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. Lead author Osseo-Asare suggested that programs take greater responsibility for diversity and inclusion in ways that do not impose an undue burden on minority residents alone, which could limit the opportunities for minorities. education and contribute to the depletion of minority residents. Strategic planning to promote diversity and inclusion can include more proactive efforts, such as race discussion forums and anti-bias training.

The study was published in JAMA Network Open.

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More information:
JAMA Network Open (2018). DOI: 10.1001 / jamanetworkopen.2018.2723

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