Meet Alyssa Carson, 17, who is on a 2033 mission to Mars | Do not miss it


(RNN) – Becoming an astronaut takes years of training, study, dedication and specialization. This requires expertise that only a handful of people on Earth can develop.

Be the first astronaut on Mars?

Fortunately for Alyssa Carson, 17, she is on the right track.

Since his third birthday, Carson has focused on space. And in her young life she has already accumulated a vertiginous number of achievements in pursuit of this goal.

She attended numerous space camps and academies, graduated from several space flight programs, presented as part of a Netflix documentary, and even already during a research program in Canada [19659006] This experience, she says in an email, is "the most difficult thing to describe to people."

"It's a feeling that no one can float. 19659008] Carson is also the youngest person to have been accepted and graduated from the Advanced Academy of Sciences (Academy of Suborbital Polar Sciences in the Upper Mesosphere) of the Aeronautical University of Embry-Riddle. This allowed him to be a scientist / trainee astronaut, according to a biography posted on a state government website for Louisiana, from where it comes.

If she can find a mission, in the next two years she could become the first teenager in space, her father, Bert, told Teen Vogue in March

After the space, the ultimate goal is Mars.

Carson wants to be the first person to set foot on the red planet, and targets 2033 (when she would be 32 years old for what would be a 2-3 year mission.)

She told Teen Vogue that her story of love with the planet began with a cartoon, in which appeared an episode where the characters were heading to Mars

"This red planet is so cool," she said. "J & # 39; I started watching videos of rovers landing on Mars.I had a huge map of Mars in my room that I was looking at.We started having telescopes to be able to look at the space. "

She said in an email that to get to Mars, the next 15 years of her life would require her to get a PhD in astrobiology and, of course, fly into the space She performs research missions and becomes generally the best in his field.

She indicated that she had to obtain a professional certificate in applied astronautics, which would allow her to do a suborbital search flight. Suborbital flight usually consists of going high enough above the Earth to be considered in space, but it does not go up to orbit.

And, in September, Carson does geology in Iceland.

"A lot of motivational elements are based on my dream and my passion for going to Mars," she said in an e-mail. "And I stayed true to that."

She said that on March, she "would consider being the mission specialist and would study rocks, soil, and would look for bacterial life in steam and water" on the planet.

In addition to contacts and camps with NASA, she has built relationships with private companies like SpaceX and Mars One – "I keep my options open to anyone who is ready to go to Mars," she said. about the mission of 2033 that will come to fruition

Much of what is technically necessary is already possible, or at least can be developed in the next 15 years. Then it will come down to things like financing and the will.

Interestingly, Carson – who speaks four languages, including Mandarin – plans to come together in a global collaborative effort.

"I believe it will be a world mission If she takes her first steps on the Martian soil, she is not yet quite sure of what she would say to follow that of Neil Armstrong, "A small step for the man …" [19659002] But something about "looking at our pale blue point Earth away" is in the works.

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