Meet Jin Park, the first DACA winner to receive a Rhodes Scholarship: NPR


"I think it's important to really understand where you come from, to understand who your peers are, who your community is," said DACA recipient and future Rhodes Scholar, Jin Park.

Stephanie B. Mitchell / Harvard University

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Stephanie B. Mitchell / Harvard University

"I think it's important to really understand where you come from, to understand who your peers are, who your community is," said DACA recipient and future Rhodes Scholar, Jin Park.

Stephanie B. Mitchell / Harvard University

The list of Rhodes American Fellows presented this year is remarkable for many reasons. almost two-thirds of the beneficiaries are women and nearly half are American or first-generation immigrants. But a recipient of a scholarship has particularly marked history this year. Harvard University student Jin Park became the first recipient of the DACA – Deferred Action for Child Arrivals – to get a Rhodes Scholarship.

Park, 22, arrived in New York with his parents from South Korea when he was 7 years old. He grew up in Queens, in the state of New York. Park is currently a senior at Harvard. migration and rights. Through the Rhodes Scholarship, Park will continue his studies at Oxford University in Oxford, England, next year.

"I have offered two master's degrees for my studies at Oxford: one in migration studies, the other in global health sciences and epidemiology," Park said. "I want to get these two degrees and come back to work with hope in the context of the Department of Health … [to] implement evidence-based policies to improve the health of immigrants and work for their health.

Scott Simon of NPR spoke to Park about the significance of this honor for him and for the other DACA winners. Listen to their conversation on the audio link and read the transcript below.

Scott Simon: What does this scholarship mean to you?

Jin Park: Personally, that means a lot to me because, being undocumented in New York, I've had a lot of formative experiences, especially with regards to how my parents were treated in the law and how i have personally experienced some of these social experiences. institutions. And so, these experiences as a child have illuminated many ways in which I wanted to use my talents for the world. And so having this opportunity for me is really significant.


You've been a lecturer at Harvard Class Day 2018. I want to read you your words as I read them: "If you've ever eaten at a Korean restaurant or received a mani-pedi in New York, congratulations. whether or not News would call an illegal alien. "

So my dad works as a cook at the chain and restaurant and my mother has worked in beauty salons all his life. So it's a bit like watching my parents do this, but also seeing my parents being denied access to health care … These experiences have revealed the fact that if you are an undocumented person in America, you do not really have the time to try your luck. full opportunity. So it's a bit of what I wanted to convey to my classmates.

What do you think of this country?

Strangely, I am really optimistic. I think that no matter what the occupant of the White House, it is important to stay focused on some of these big issues – who belongs to America? Who is American? And who will we provide all the benefits of membership in America?

These are very big, almost theoretical questions that will remain. The answers will be needed even after the departure of the current occupant of the White House. So I think the real implications of the answers to these questions are important. They have real consequences for immigrants. So, I think it's where we really need to stay focused.

Do you have words for other DACA beneficiaries who might be worried about what is happening in this country now?

The biggest thing I would say, is to understand that your roots stay true to your roots. I think it's important to really understand where you're coming from, to understand who your peers are, who your community is, who you want to serve, because in the future, I think that's where you are. 39 is where you pull your strength.

It is my personal strength to visit my dad at the restaurant, touch his hand and feel the blisters and roughness of his hands, which always reminds me that I need to stay focused on our community. That's where I always have to come back. So that's the kind of advice I would give: stay true to your roots.

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