Meet the 4 candidates in the running to become Mexico's President


MEXICO CITY – Four candidates are vying to become Mexico's next president on Sunday. Here is a glimpse of the hopes:


In his third attempt at the presidency, Lopez Obrador, 64, former mayor of Mexico City, is leading in most polls. 19659004] Lopez Obrador lost the 2006 election by 0.56% to conservative Felipe Calderon, suspected of electoral fraud, and saw his supporters organize a month of protest camp on one of the capital's busiest avenues . In 2012, he lost a less controversial race to the current president Enrique Pena Nieto.

Born in the state of Tabasco, on the south coast of the Gulf, Lopez Obrador presents himself as a champion for poor and rural Mexicans. He frequently denounces the entrenched elite of the country and vows to defeat the "mafia of power" that he blames for rampant corruption.

For years, many members of the Mexican political and commercial class warned that Lopez Obrador was a populist who would establish the country. decades back, labeling it "a danger to Mexico" and seeking to compare it to former Venezuelan socialist Hugo Chavez. But this time, Lopez Obrador has somewhat moderated his positions and his rhetoric, and both sides have reached a cautious relaxation late in the campaign, even if they are not better friends.

Lopez Obrador proposed to lower his presidential salary. also granting amnesties to some criminals in the midst of a wave of violence that is the bloodiest for at least two decades

AFFILIATION: National Regeneration Movement, or Morena. For many years, Lopez Obrador was a member of the Democratic Revolution Party, or PRD, but in recent years he broke with the group and founded Morena

NICKNAMES: "AMLO", for his initials; "El Peje", after the pejelagarto fish originated from the state of Tabasco; "Andres Manuelovich", a sobriquet that Lopez Obrador joked in response to allegations that his candidacy might have benefited from Russian interference



Anaya, 39, Conservative attorney with a doctorate in political science, is the youngest candidate to run the presidential election in modern Mexican history. His supporters consider him a forward-looking technology enthusiast and a shrewd student of politics, while critics call him a calculator and manipulator politician.

Anaya started in politics at just 18, became legislator in 2012 and later. he rose to be the president of the lower house of Congress of Mexico. He assumed the post of legislator following rules allocating seats proportionally to the parties, and never won a competitive election race.

Anaya also served as deputy secretary for tourism and became president of her political party, where critics say She is the most populous in the country, Anaya is the flag-bearer of an unlikely right-left alliance known as "Forward for Mexico". Conservative Party and two weak left parties.

Some of his main proposals include the creation of a universal basic income, gradually increasing the minimum wage and growing the economy by stimulating competition and investment. He accuses current President Enrique Pena Nieto of corruption and says that if he is elected, he will make sure that Pena Nieto "faces justice."

AFFILIATION: Party of National Action, or PAN. The former party of Lopez Obrador, the PRD, is part of the coalition

NICKNAMES: "Boy Wonder", for his image of young prodigy; Lopez Obrador famously ridiculed him during a debate like "Ricky Riquin Canallin," which roughly translates as "Richie Rich the Scoundrel."



A 49-year-old lawyer with a PhD in Yale Economist, Meade is a long-time technocrat and five-time chief of staff who served under two different parties.

Relatives of him say that public service is cooked in his DNA, and Meade served as secretary of energy (2011), the Treasury (2012), external relations (2012), social development (2015) and the treasure (2016).

Even though Meade was not a member of Pena Nieto's ruling party, he was chosen as a candidate The theory that a foreigner would have a better chance given the widespread dissatisfaction with corruption, the rise of violence and a lethargic economy.

But he struggled to escape the wrath of voters. century, and it is seen

Meade's camp maintains its optimism, extolling the internal polls that argue that it is in second place and saying that it can bridge the gap with a lot of voters who are still undecided.

Meade Supports Continued Military Role in Fighting Powerful drug cartels would maintain controversial education reform and vow to revive schools, hospitals, and social programs

AFFILIATION: Institutional Revolutionary Party or PRI

NICKNAME: "El Mas Chingon", an expression roughly translated as "The most badass" and was used by Meade to describe himself after the second presidential debate. A video on cumbia then circulated on social networks using the slogan to promote the candidate



Rodriguez, 57, is the governor of the state of Nuevo Leon and the first to win An independent Mexican state

He broke a 30-year alliance with the PRI to serve as governor in 2015 and was previously mayor of Garcia, near the city of Monterrey, from 2009-2012.

Rodriguez opposed traditional political parties and refused government funding for his presidential campaign. During a debate in April, he suggested removing politicians who steal. Asked by the moderator to know how he literally thought it, he dubbed it and said he would come up with a bill to punish such a punishment.

Polls say he's lagging behind a single digit at a distant fourth

AFFILIATION: Independent. NICKNAME: "The Bronco", a wink at the same time to his manner of horseman and to his character maverick, with the pen.

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