Meet the new creepy AI system designed to help astronauts in space


While many of us were sleeping, SpaceX launched tons of supplies at the International Space Station for NASA.

The Crew Interactive Mobile Companion, or CIMON, is a new artificial intelligence technology developed by a team of researchers from the European Space Agency, NASA and IBM

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CIMON has a roughly spherical shape, with a childish drawing of a face on the screen. It's a bit … scary.

The AI ​​robot is designed to float in the space station until an astronaut calls his name. Next, CIMON will sail through microgravity towards the one who speaks

NASA, IBM and ESA have all collaborated to create CIMON

Image: NASA

Researchers have developed CIMON to help anyone performing station experiments by downloading procedures and guidance videos that can then be used for experiments. .

When an astronaut asks a specific question, CIMON will be able to answer using the entire store of knowledge stored in the cloud, explained researcher Christian Karrasch at a NASA press conference.

The purpose of these tools is to facilitate the task of astronauts in space. Space time is a precious commodity, so being able to have a tool, like CIMON, helping you perform basic tasks more efficiently could be extremely useful, especially on long-term assignments .

The first artificial intelligence interface of its kind to operate in space when it reaches the space station on July 2.

And even though CIMON is designed to work with anyone, it has been trained to work best with German astronaut Alexander Gerst. He helped to choose the language, focus and face of the AI ​​tool.

CIMON floats in microgravity

Image: NASA

And if you already think about all this It could go wrong – We think of you, Hal 3,000 – Gerst was a step ahead of you.

According to the researchers, the astronaut was particularly determined to ensure that CIMON had a switch, which would ensure that CIMON does not record any conversations on the space station.

The researchers also made sure to include two different modes of operation for CIMON. The one who only listens when it is addressed (eg, "Hey CIMON"). The other records passively at any time, a function that could be particularly useful for time-consuming experiments

Once at the laboratory in orbit, CIMON will coexist with astronauts for at least the next few months.

The tool is one of 50 experiments sent to the station aboard the Dragon. Some of the other experiments focus on research on cancer cells and crystal structures.

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