Meghan and Harry shared baby news at Princess Eugenie's wedding


The world heard the news of Meghan Markle's pregnancy on Monday, but the royal family had been warned three days earlier.

As the extended family gathered at Windsor Castle to celebrate the wedding of Prince Harry's cousin, Princess Eugenie, future parents could not restrain their excitement.

Why use this opportunity to reverse baby beans? "It was a happy family event, and that's where the good news is shared," PEOPLE told the source close in this week's cover.

It is likely that they already told Harry's brother, Prince William, and the father, Prince Charles, before the wedding. It is believed that Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, was informed in person when she attended the launch of her daughter's cookbook last month.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at the wedding of Princess Eugenie.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at the wedding of Princess Eugenie.


To learn more about Meghan and Harry's baby news and Princess Eugenie's royal wedding, pick up a copy of this week's PEOPLE at newsstands on Friday.

Insiders say the babies' noise, which had started slowly towards the end of the summer, was getting louder and louder and the couple felt that it would be too difficult to keep the pregnancy secret during the summer. their 16-day tour, Down Under.

On October 17th, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry visit a farm in Dubbo, Australia.

On October 17th, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry visit a farm in Dubbo, Australia.

Chris Jackson / Pool / Getty

By announcing the news before the tour, the couple was free to talk about it openly, whether it's accepting baby gifts or getting a glimpse of what's going to happen.

"It's so cute, it's our first baby present!" Said Meghan in PEOPLE's Facebook Live video, as she was getting a stuffed kangaroo (with a baby joey!) And Ugg boots at from its reception in Sydney on Monday.

At another reception later in the day, Harry thanked Australia for its "incredibly warm welcome" and "chance to meet Australians from all walks of life".

"We really could not think of a better place to announce the next baby, uh," Harry said, looking at Meghan. Looking slightly nervous, Harry added, "be it a boy or a girl."

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