Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at the Nelson Mandela Exhibition


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry spent Tuesday morning focusing on the magnificent legacy of Nelson Mandela

The South African leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who died at the age of 95 in 2013, was honored in London The royal couple received a history lesson on the first black president of South Africa, learning his career as a young freedom fighter, through incarceration and his role as a young man. Inspiration for the movement against violence in South Africa.

Meghan wore a sleeveless trench dress from the emerging Canadian brand, NONIE, for the outing, while the prince wore a gray jacket with casual pants.

David Fisher / REX / Shutterstock

David Fisher / REX / Shutterstock

Inside the Mandela Centennial Exposition, Harry, 33, and Meghan, 36, met a close friend of Mandela, 93-year-old Andrew Mlangeni, accused of sabotage against apartheid government and spent 26 years imprisoned on Robben Island, and Thembi Tambo, South Africa's high commissioner to the United Kingdom And the daughter of anti-apartheid politician Oliver Tambo, who was a close colleague of Mandela.

by the South African Apartheid Museum, the Archives of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement, and the Southbank Center and is based on six themes: character, comrade, leader, prisoner, negotiator, and man of the 39; State. The couple is touring just before Nelson Mandela Day, July 18, which marks the centenary of his birth.

David Fisher / REX / Shutterstock

David Fisher / REX / Shutterstock

The Youth Release married week after their successful two-day visit to Dublin, Ireland, and the day of Meghan at Wimbledon with sister-in-law Kate Middleton on Saturday.

Their visit to the exhibition on Tuesday also honors a past royal tie. Released from prison in 1990 and elected in 1994, Mandela was a renowned personality on the world stage, and his visits to Harry's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, tenderly hold him to memory, according to his insiders [19659012]. Southbank Center from July 17 to August 19.

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