Meghan Markle dazzles in black when she arrives for her first solo engagement | Royal | New


The beautiful American has opted for a dark dress by beckoning to the royal fans of Burlington House, at a major art show in central London without the Duke of Sussex.

The Duchess of Sussex joined a wave of guests at the opening of Oceana, a show hosted by the Royal Academy of Arts that marked Captain James Cook's first trip to the Pacific and will bring together 200 public and private works that will undoubtedly dazzle the duchess.

Presenting works from Commonwealth countries, the exhibition will undoubtedly give the Duchess training on the subject as she prepares a great tour in New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Australia.

The event will see Meghan meet curators, artists and poster children related to the exhibited works.

The first 37-year solo engagement as a member of the Royal Family intervened less than 24 hours after her half-sister, Samantha Markle, 53, made a splash on social media by promising the United confront Meghan. poor health of Father Thomas Snr.

Markle's public relations team said on Twitter that during a trip to Italy from her homeland, Florida, she was not ready to return to the United States and promised to come to London to see his little sister.

Rob Cooper, Markle's director of public relations, said, "Samantha Markle is coming to the UK. After several attempts in private to arrange a meeting with the Duchess of Sussex to discuss the health of their 74-year-old father, Kensington Palace refused to answer.

"I'm afraid Meghan is not aware of these quiet attempts and therefore making this audience unique is the only option we have left. I currently have Samantha in Europe with only a short flight. "

He added: "It does not need to be public, we would prefer it to be private. Samantha is coming to the UK this week, whether she likes it or not.

This was a result of Mrs. Markle's bizarre wonder on the occasion of Prince Harry's 34th birthday, during which she blamed him for not having wished his father-in-law a happy birthday last month.

She said, "Happy birthday Harry! As you slide on your birthday cake, consider the birthday wishes you have never offered to your FATHER-IN-LAW.

In another article, she also called Meghan "duch **".

She said, "The DUCHA ** should be human for our father who gave him everything and this shit media can stop!

"It was he who was always there for her. False waves and smiles can stop. The duchA ** can bow to dad.

Oceania at the Royal Academy of Arts will open to the public from September 29 to December 10.

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