Meghan Markle fashion royal tower: dresses worn for the visit 2018 in photos


We will take a look at the outfits of the Duchess of Sussex's Royal Tour during her visit to Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand, breaking down dresses, coats, hats and hats. looks

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were doing a lot of important things during their first royal tour: raising awareness of the environment, advocating for youth, women's empowerment and the armed forces, and representing the Queen at the same time. ;foreign.

And the Duchess of Sussex also defended fashion by bringing an expansive tourdrobe for all types of engagement (and her baby hump).

In 16 days in Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand, we met the Duchess of Sussex among a large number of international designers, ranging from Australian brands to British labels, to many American influences.

We had spectacular princess dress times, elegant day dresses and beachwear, casual casual clothes and a bit of British High Street for good measure.

Here is an overview of the Duchesse's 39 outfits …

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