Meghan Markle follows royal ways to stay SILENT on midterm elections – did she vote? | Royal | News


US-born Meghan moved to the UK ahead of her royal wedding in May this year, but the Duchess – who is completing the long process of becoming a British citizen – can still vote in America.

Meghan has previously expressed strong political views, prompting questions over whether she could have voted in the midterm elections.

The former actress previously described Donald Trump as “misogynistic” and “divisive” ahead of the 2016 presidential elections.

And during her Oceania tour with Harry, Meghan gave a speech to celebrate the 125th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New Zealand, highlighting the importance of the right to vote.

Meghan said: “Suffrage is not simply about the right to vote but also about what that represents.

“The basic and fundamental human right of being able to participate in the choices for your future and that of your community.

“The involvement and voice that allows you to be a part of the very world you are a part of.”

The right to vote is an issue that appears to have been close to Meghan’s heart for many years.

In a post on her now defunct blog The Tig in November 2016, Meghan urged her fellow Americans to vote.

She said: “The right to vote is something for which blood, sweat, and tears have been shed; the struggle was endless for us to have this liberty.

“I ticked the boxes on my absentee ballot last week, closing my eyes and thinking of my great grandparents who didn’t have this right (and thinking of how it would have changed the lives of my grandparents if they had).

“So on this day we urge you to exercise said right. Please vote. The fact that we can makes us the lucky ones.”

But despite Meghan’s passionate opinion on voting, it is not clear if the Duchess has cast her vote in the midterm elections.

Kensington Palace refused to comment when asked by 

The Royal Family’s official website reveals that the Queen does not vote in elections.

It says: “As head of state the Queen has to remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters, unable to vote or stand for election.”

And traditionally senior members of the Royal Family follow the monarch by not taking up their right to vote.

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