Meghan Markle had British security with her on Suits set, says co-star


WENDELL Pierce could not believe that his co-star Meghan Markle was dating Prince Harry, who is sixth in the British royal throne.

The 54-year-old who played the role of Markle's father in the legal drama Suit, recently revealed to Additional how he realized the relationship of the American actor with the royal was the real deal.

"Actually, I did not think it was real, then suddenly I turned around and there is this MI5 guy [British security service] on the set every day, "he said.

Pierce added that 37-year-old Markle is "looking good" in his new role as Duchess of Sussex.

"The only thing that was clear, she was extremely happy," he said. "She had a glow. I knew she was in love … With the whirlwind of advertising and the world of royalty, the only thing left is the fact that I know she loves him.

In August, Pierce revealed that he had shared a last moment with Markle before saying goodbye to Suit following his engagement with Harry, 33, in November.

Pierce said in the UK Telegraph He continues to "cherish" a memory with Markle before filming the finale of Season Seven – the last episode in which they played together.

He told Markle, who appeared as Rachel Zane in the legal drama, that he was his friend "no matter where you are and what is happening".

"We had a moment that I cherished," said Pierce. "I was sitting with Meghan in her wedding dress, while we were waiting for a configuration [in the scene]. We were alone. I told him, "Your life will change. It's going to be amazing but I want you to know that I'm your friend and no matter where you are and what's going on – if the fishbowl you're in is starting to hit you – you can call me.

Pierce, who has already played in HBO Thread, also discussed the racism that was directed against Markle after being cast as his father.

"Like gravity, [racism is] it exists, "he said. "You should always be vigilant for this and prepared for it."

In February, Pierce revealed on Harry Connick Jr's cat that Markle and he used to talk about his novel with Prince Harry "in code" to avoid spreading gossip.

"We always talked about him in code," he said. "You know, how are you?" "Oh, I'm going to London, I'm from London."

While a lot of Markle Suit The co-stars attended the royal wedding at Windsor Castle in May, Pierce admitted that he was "unable to attend" the big day. Instead, he chose to celebrate at home.

This story was published in Fox News and is republished here with permission.

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