Meghan Markle launches recipe book for victims of Grenfell Tower


Meghan Markle prepare a new project for a good cause! Kensington Palace announced in a press release on Monday, September 17 that the Duchess of Sussex will hold a celebration at the Royal Residence on Thursday, September 20th to mark the launch of Together, a cookbook celebrating the power of cooking to strengthen communities and bring people together.

Meghan Markle launches recipe book for victims of Grenfell Tower
Meghan Markle Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Markle, who will be joined by Prince HarryDuke of Sussex, at Thursday's event, wrote the preface to the cookbook, which features recipes from a group of women whose community was affected by the Grenfell Tower fire – the disaster that killed 72 people in June 2017.

In a video published by Kensington Palace, 37-year-old Markle says she was inspired to help write a recipe book after visiting the victims of the Grenfell fire in January 2018. "I in London of women whose community had been affected by the Grenfell fire, "she explained. "So for two days each week, these women were able to cook and share their delicious recipes together."

The women met by Markle decided to "gather and prepare fresh food for their families and neighbors, to help the community connect, heal and look to the future," the statement said. women began calling the Hubb community kitchen.

Product of Together, which will be released in the UK on Thursday, will support Hubb Community Kitchen, "helping it stay open and flourish, so that it can expand to other members of the community and beyond.

The friend of the king, Serena Williams, quickly praised his boyfriend for his charity project. "I called you Meghan (and I still do), but dear Duchess of Sussex, your first project "Together," a cookbook of women from all cultures, "wrote the athlete on Instagram. "I could not be more excited about it and proud of you. It's beautiful – diversity, inclusion, gathering in sorrow or joy – there is so much love. "

The launch later this week will also feature some of Hubb Community Kitchen's women presenting their own recipes printed in the recipe book, many of which have been handed down from generation to generation. Homemade dishes (which the duchess will help to prepare!) That will be served at launch include coconut chicken curry, eggplant and a variety of chapatis, caramelized cakes and spicy mint tea.

Meghan Markle launches recipe book for victims of Grenfell Tower
Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex attend the reception of your Commonwealth Youth Challenge in London, England on July 5, 2018. INSTAR Images

According to the press release, the Duke and Duchess should then "sit down to enjoy the freshly prepared food with their guests".

Markle has a long-standing passion for cooking and his first solo project as a royal takes on its full meaning. In fact, his website now gone, The tig, has often featured some of his favorite recipes and interviews with known chefs, and cooking is something that still interests him. "I immediately felt connected to this community kitchen," says Markle in the video. "Like these women, I am passionate about food and cooking to strengthen communities."

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