Meghan Markle News: Meghan and Prince Harry Will "Work Hardest" in Relationship | Royal | New


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex both grew up with divorced parents, which had a lasting impact on their adult lives, according to Caroline Strawson, a recognized divorce coach and positive psychologist. The children of divorced couples have already suffered the psychological toll of separation and want to do their best to avoid feeding their own offspring to the same experience, Strawson said. Speaking of Meghan and Harry, she says it's not a coincidence that they waited for their 30 years to get married.

Ms. Strawson said, "People who have had a divorce have taken longer to make the decision to marry, because they know the effects of divorce and do not want to suffer all that."

This behavior is visible not only in the relationship between Meghan and Harry, but also in Meghan's first marriage with film producer Trevor Engelson.

The Los Angeles-based talent scout and actress of the time, Meghan, began dating in 2004, but only married after seven years in 2011.

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Ms. Strawson added, "The important discussions are completed before the wedding, to avoid any major problems later and make the right decision."

While people from unified families and those who are getting married in their twenties tend to see divorce as "an easy option to get rid of problems," couples like Meghan and Harry have seen "the trauma that it's creates, "said Ms. Strawson.

She continued: "And once in the marriage, especially with the children, when a problem arises, they make conscious efforts, they consult a council, they communicate to each other if there is something wrong before it does not reach a catastrophic stage.

"It's almost as if their past experiences provided them with an integrated radar, which would help them recognize that things were not going well and intervene immediately."

While it is true that divorce can mentally scare children, most of the time, people like Meghan and Harry, who have successfully experienced this trauma, do not focus on the negative aspect of failed marriage. from their parents, but learn from them, said the expert. .

She explained, "Rather than viewing this as a negative thing that has happened to them, they see it as an aspect of learning, it becomes what they do not do what has happened to them."

Meghan's parents Thomas Markle Snr and Doria Ragland were married in 1979 and divorced in 1987 when she was only six years old.

Prince Harry was 12 years old when Princess Diana and Prince Charles signed the divorce laws, but they had experienced the tumultuous separation and scandals concerning them, including the burning interview published by Princess Diana in 1995, where she had laid bare the affair of Charles and Camilla.

Strawson believes that the public attention sparked by Charles and Diana's divorce gives Harry another reason to work tirelessly to ensure that his relationship with Meghan remains as strong as it is now.

She said, "You can see, especially with Harry being very forthright about his mental health problem, the tension caused by the divorce that has been closely scrutinized, making it natural for them to realize that their Marriage is very important and they have to work there. "

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