Meghan Markle News: Prince Harry's warning to Meghan when royal romance has been revealed | Royal | New


Meghan and Harry met in July 2016 after being introduced by a mutual friend. The prince then declared that the "stars were aligned".

The couple went to London twice before Harry's new girlfriend joined him in Botswana for five days, where they camped under the stars.

Harry and Meghan hid the radar for four months after their first meeting before their relationship was revealed to the world by the Sunday Express in October 2016.

At the time, Harry was staying at Meghan in Toronto, according to royal author Andrew Morton, where she was based to film the American legal drama Suits.

In her Meghan biography, titled Meghan: A Hollywood Princess, Mr. Morton describes how Harry's Communication Secretary urgently called the Prince to let him know that the secret was out.

The couple would have celebrated this birthday while grilling a glass of wine, but Harry warns Meghan.

Mr. Morton said, "When the story was made public, Harry was staying at Meghan in Toronto.

"After receiving a call from Jason Knauf to tell him that the blanket had been blown, he and Meghan had a glass of wine and toasted themselves.

"But the celebration took place with a sober warning, Harry said to Meghan," Our lives will never be the same again. "

Thanks to this royal relationship, Meghan – who was previously best known for her role as Rachel Zane on Suits – is famous around the world.

Mr. Morton said: "In one night, Meghan Markle, a moderately well-known actress, has become one of the most famous people on the planet."

Next month, Harry confirmed the relationship with an unprecedented statement about his private life, posted on the Royal Family's website, condemning Megnan's "wave of abuse and harassment."

The statement said: "Last week, a line was crossed. His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, was the victim of a wave of abuse and harassment.

"It is not normal that, a few months later, Mrs. Markle be subjected to such a storm."

The flash romance of Harry and Meghan led the couple to announce their engagement in November 2017.

The couple were married in a spectacular ceremony at St. George's Chapel in May.

And last month, Meghan announced her pregnancy while she was landing in Sydney for a 16 day tour abroad with Harry.

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