Meghan Markle, Prince Harry breaking the royal protocol? 7 times the deviated couple of tradition


All eyes are on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle since their magnificent wedding ceremony in May. Harry and the Duchess of Sussex have traced their own path as a royal couple – often departing from tradition.

While Markle adhered to certain standards of British royal etiquette, the former actress did not completely transform her style and social behavior. And Harry did the same because he often displays the public's affection for his new wife.

"Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are the pioneers of a new branch of the monarchy, relaxed and tactile," said William Hanson, "the British coach and expert. in terms of etiquette, to the Daily Mail. The last misstep of Markle fashion.

Many of the King's enthusiasts tend to agree: the couple is unlike any other royal couple, especially compared to Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge.


Here is a list of 7 times that the couple – both collectively and individually – has broken the "royal protocol" in recent months.

PDA moments

British Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, smile during a visit to Tupou College in Tonga on Friday, October 26, 2018.

British Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, smile during a visit to Tupou College in Tonga on Friday, October 26, 2018.

Harry and Markle do not hesitate to show each other their affection. They are often caught hand-shaking, hugging and even sneaking occasionally.

Although there is no official rule on PDAs, The Sun points out that it is generally considered "rude" of a royal couple. Their public affection should be based on the formality of the event they attend and reflect the behavior of the queen. Unlike Prince William and Kate Middleton, Harry and Markle were extremely affectionate in public.

"It is very clear that William and Kate are emotionally close, however, they do not seem to feel the need to prove their love – especially in the official business of the state," said Robin Kermode. , body language expert at the Daily Mail. "They present themselves as a strong and independent couple and, even though they are still on the show, they do not feel the need to" show "their love for each other."

Pocket problem

Meghan Markle is being criticized for putting his hands in his pockets during royal events.

Meghan Markle is being criticized for putting his hands in his pockets during royal events.
(Getty Images)

Does Markle become "too casual" for a royal? The Duchess of Sussex's fashion choices on her first royal tour alongside her husband Harry sparked debates among fans.

During his 16-day tour of the South Pacific, Markle presented several different looks – and unfortunately suffered some dysfunctions during his wardrobe. But there was one particular feature included in her outfit that royal etiquette experts challenged: the pockets.

"There are good casuals and there are bad casuals … putting a hand in the pocket is too relaxed and unprofessional …"

– William Hanson

On October 29, Markle donned a white tuxedo dress designed by Maggie Marilyn of New Zealand at an event held at Courtenay Creative Wellington. The great team praised the fans, but the royal experts criticized the casual look.

"There are good casuals and bad times." Put a hand in the pocket is too relaxed and unprofessional, as casual as Harry and his wife may be, "Hanson told The Daily Mail.

But some royal fans – especially women – argued that Hanson's criticism was perhaps too harsh and praised the Duchess's bold fashion choice.

Go barefoot

British Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, meet a local community surfing group, known as OneWave, in Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia, on Friday, October 19, 2018.

British Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, meet a local community surfing group, known as OneWave, in Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia, on Friday, October 19, 2018.
(Chris Jackson / PoolViaAP)

The royal couple put their shoes on the sand during a visit to Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia in October. The move is very rare for the royal family.

The two men met a local group of surfers called OneWave, a mental health awareness group, during their trip. The royal family and members of the group formed a circle on the beach and shared their various experiences.

During this period, Markle apparently announced her pregnancy.

"Meghan told me that my pregnancy was like jet lag. She said that she was getting up at 4:30 this morning to do yoga in her room because she could not sleep," said one woman. to a Daily Mail reporter.

Markle also wore red nail polish, which is believed to be "vulgar" by royal standards, reports Express. Queen Elizabeth, in particular, favors subtle nail polishes – like a pink bucket, according to the British newspaper.

Selfie time

Harry and Markle are not afraid to get closer and stay personal with their fans.

Harry recently broke a royal rule by stopping to take a selfie with a young boy.

While he was greeting fans at Auckland Viaduct Harbor in Australia on October 30, the prince stopped to talk to Otia Nante, a 6-year-old boy who also lost his mother at a very young age, reported

Prince Harry comforts the boy whose mother is dead

"Life will always go well, you know it? I have reached the age of 34 and life is beautiful.I have a beautiful woman and a baby on the way.Your life is going to be "Do not worry about that," Harry was captured in video telling the boy. Subsequently, Prince Harry agreed to pose for a picture with Nante.

This is not the first time that Harry breaks impulsively tradition.

In early October, the king kissed an old woman in Sussex, England, after commenting on the beauty of his wife.

"Very happy to meet you," he told the blushing fan, according to Entertainment Tonight.

Set the date

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married on Saturday, May 19, 2018.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married on Saturday, May 19, 2018.

Harry and Markle set May 19 for their wedding at St. George's Chapel in Windsor Castle. The date falls on a Saturday – an unusual move, since most British royal weddings take place on a weekday.

Again, there is no official rule, but royal couples usually schedule weddings on Fridays – thus allowing England to declare this day a holiday in order to make sure that locals can attend the action, according to Marie Claire.


Prince William and Middleton remained faithful to the tradition at their wedding on April 29, 2011, which took place on a Friday.

"We want to mark this day as a national holiday – a holiday will ensure that as many people as possible will have the opportunity to celebrate this day," said Prime Minister David Cameron at the time, according to The Telegraph .

Holiday Season

Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle arrive to attend the traditional Christmas Day service at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, England on Monday, December 25, 2017.

Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle arrive to attend the traditional Christmas Day service at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, England on Monday, December 25, 2017.

About a month after her engagement with Harry, Markle joined the royal family to celebrate Christmas. In fact, it was at that time that Queen Elizabeth officially welcomed her into the family.

Markle joining the royal family at Christmas (his first public outing with the family) was unusual, as new members are usually invited to the holiday events only after their wedding, according to the Telegraph. Kate Middleton was only welcomed into the family after her marriage to William.


Markle was seen walking beside Middleton while she was holding Harry's arm while she was arriving at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham for a traditional Christmas service in 2017 .

No tights

Markle was wearing the Matilde deer shoes of Aquazzura at the announcement of her royal engagement at Kensington Palace.

Markle was wearing the Matilde deer shoes of Aquazzura at the announcement of her royal engagement at Kensington Palace.

Harry and Markle made their first appearance as a committed couple, posing briefly for the photographers on the Kensington Palace website, a few hours after the announcement of their engagement on Nov. 27.

Dressed in a blue suit and tie, the prince said he was "delighted", insinuating that the proposal was romantic. Although Harry looked dapper, most of the eyes were on Markle (and his breath, of course).


The former star "Suits" wore high heels, an emerald green dress and a white trench coat. One thing, however, was missing in Markle: pantyhose, a tacit royal protocol in England. According to The Cut, Queen Elizabeth has been wearing nude tights for over 90 years.

Katherine Lam of Fox News contributed to this report.

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