Meghan Markle reduces her visit to the Fijian market due to "crowd management issues"


Meghan Markle had to shorten once again his royal trip to Australia with Prince Harry.

The Duchess of Sussex interrupted an engagement in Fiji on Wednesday because of "crowd management" issues, according to a royal source.

Markle, who is on the ninth day of the Royal Tour, has visited the Suva Municipal Market to meet with vendors involved in the UN Women's Project, Markets for Change, which promotes the empowerment of women in Pacific markets.

However, it seems that too many people just wanted to get a glimpse of the pregnant Duchess, which made the market a bit chaotic.

The duchess was supposed to spend 15 minutes at the market but stayed about eight minutes, according to the source, saying the engagement had been halted due to the presence "of a much larger crowd than expected "on the market, which makes the event" uncomfortably busy. "

The source indicates that Markle managed to meet all the exhibitors she was to salute, but others were a little disappointed to have missed the opportunity to see the Duchess in person.

"The Duchess was only to enter the market, it was simply an extension of the reception at the High Commission," the source said. "There were a lot more people than people had expected and a lot of people were getting stuck in the market."

During her stay in Fiji on Wednesday, Markle visited the University of the South Pacific where she delivered an exciting speech in support of women's education.

"Everyone should have the opportunity to receive the education that he wants, but above all the education that he has the right to receive." And for the women and girls of developing countries development, it's vital, "said the former star of Suits in his speech. "When girls have the right tools to succeed, they can create an incredible future, not only for themselves, but for everyone around them."

To find out more about what the Duke and Duchess have accomplished since their arrival last week, watch the video below.

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