Meghan Markle would apparently shake the Royals


Just six months ago the Windsor House officially welcomed Meghan Markle when she became Prince Harry's wife. But I think that in the future today, Meghan would have upset the House of Windsor a lot.

according to Daily mail, palace insiders shed light on Meghan's behavior over the last six months. The insiders claim that Meghan is up and at 5 am (about two hours earlier), sends six to seven texts a day to the palace advisers to share their ideas and demands, and even aims to rewrite the rule book about royals. Sources also claim that Meghan has conducted a series of "undercover" missions to meet British associates with good causes. So, her heart is in the right place, she's just a bit unorthodox in her way of doing things.

Meghan Markle Photo 2
Getty Images

But something that Meghan is upset about is what she's wearing because Meghan is going to wear what Meghan wants to wear.

"Meghan is told that she has to start dressing less like a Hollywood star and more like a royal," said a source. Daily mail. Meghan also focused on black, which is usually worn by members of the royal family during a period of mourning.

And yet, even with all of these claims that Meghan would have done things that no one has ever done before in the royal family, she would be very close to Queen Elizabeth. Meghan is so close to the queen that Kate Middleton felt snubbed. Poor Kate. But that did not stop Kate from accompanying Prince William to two dates with Harry and Meghan.

See? Everyone is still trying to hear. And it may be a good thing that Meghan is shaking things up. Sometimes the change is good.

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