Meghan Markle's fashion sense becomes similar to that of Kate Middleton, according to the designer


Meghan Markle's fashion sense becomes very similar to that of Kate Middleton since she's become a royal official.

According to British designer Caroline Castigliano, the royal life has already begun to change Markle. She recognized the firm's protocol and recognized that Markle's style was more like that of the Duchess of Cambridge.

"The royal family is a firm and the protocol is huge," said Castigliano (via Express). "We see everything about Meghan's change, it's very difficult when you're 36, it's a lot easier when you're in your early twenties and that they can you modeling and adapting. "

" It's a lot bigger For Meghan, it must be incredibly difficult for Meghan to be a woman who works and has her own style … Right now, she's just out there. really dress like Kate, "continued the designer.

Middleton's and Markle's similarities in fashion may be due to the royal mother of three giving tons of advice to the new royal.In addition, several sources have revealed that the Middleton's assistant, Natasha Archer, called clothes for Prince Harry's wife until she hired her own assistant.

Before her royal wedding with the Duke of Sussex, Markle liked to wear black outfits, but in recent engagements opted for white or pink dresses.

"If you are going to be seen with the queen, who wears bright colors, then that neutral palette that she has respected is really a measure of respect," Castigliano explained the choice of Markle's color. "This more sober and classic look is absolutely essential to what she needs to integrate into the family."

For William Hanson, a specialist in royal etiquette, this shows that Markle lets the queen shine. "The queen is at the top of the bill, Meghan is on the bill, not at the top of the bill," he said.

Meanwhile, according to Karen Haller, a practitioner in color psychology, wearing pink has "a calming effect." carrier. "She believes that Markle chose this shade for this reason.

" The number of high level engagements that Meghan has had since he officially became a member of the Royal Family would undoubtedly be very creepy, "explained Haller." As the softer end of the pink spectrum is soothing physically, it's the perfect antidote for soothing those nerves and for relieving the pulse. "

 Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle [19659012] Meghan Markle changed and begins copying Kate Middleton after becoming a royal official Pictured: Markle and Middleton attend the Royal Foundation's first annual forum held in Aviva on February 28, 2018 in London </span> <span class= Photo: Getty Pictures / Chris Jackson

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