Meghan Markle's half-sister pulls an awkward stuntman outside Kensington Palace


Meghan Markle's half-sister, Samantha Grant, has not finished doing stunt advertising across the pond.

Grant, who claimed to be visiting London to try to see the Duchess and repair family discord, was photographed in front of Kensington Palace with a male mate handing a letter to a guard on Saturday. Grant, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, was in a wheelchair pushed by his friend.

After apparently being turned back from the palace where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex live, Grant was seen buying cardboard masks on the faces of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, according to photos obtained by the Daily Mail.

"Everyone would like to know what this letter contains," says Grant tweeted Sunday, alongside three emoji faces and a Mirror article that shows it outside the palace.

Grant to have a reference to to her reasons for writing to Meghan, responding in tweet comments: "The family talked about the fact that she was treated unfairly by her. If someone treated you [unjustly] you would speak. The truth is coming "

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex (left) and Samantha Grant (right).

Getty / Jeremy Vine

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex (left) and Samantha Grant (right).

Grant arrived in London more than a week ago with the intention of seeing her sister split, according to an interview she gave at UK Channel 5 with Jeremy Vine.

"I've always wanted to see London, but really, I wanted to make the trip and express my father's wishes, thoughts and feelings and, hopefully, send a message to my sister," Grant said. . "I hoped we might have a chance to talk – that she knew I was here. But I do not think that will happen. "

Grant said he was hurt by the fact that some family members were not invited to the wedding (their father, Thomas Markle was, although he could not come because of health problems). She did, however, apologize during the interview.

"In the future, I apologize and wish things are different," Grant said.

A few days later, Grant took over the attack on Meghan and his mother, Doria Ragland, on Twitter. She insisted that their father, Thomas Markle, was the parent who had spent the majority of his time with Meghan growing up.

"Dad practically spent most of his life and Doria was not very present," said Grant. Twitter. She wrote in another tweet that Meghan "must make peace with our father who gave him everything. His mother was not even really there.

"He has done more for her than anyone else all his life," added Grant.

Thomas Markle said so in August, during an interview with the Mail on Sunday.

"I refuse to be quiet. What is tearing me apart is Meghan's sense of superiority. She would be nothing without me. I made her the duchess she is today. All that Meghan is, I've done, he says.

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