Meghan Markle's half-sister travels to London, only to be avoided


Samantha Markle Spends a "fantastic" time in London, despite being a social outcast.

The future author, aged 53, went to Buckingham Palace yesterday in the hope of reconnecting with her half-sister, Meghan Markle (which actually resides miles from Kensington Palace with Prince Harry). Samantha appeared on Channel 5 Monday, where – without recognizing the irony –Jeremy Irvine accused him of talking about Meghan on television.

"I've always wanted to see London, but I really wanted to make the trip and talk somehow about the wishes and thoughts and feelings of my father, and I hope to get a message to my sister," he said. said Samantha. "Things do not really look like what they seem.There are so many misunderstandings.I hope we can wipe out the balance sheet and go ahead with a peaceful resolution."

If Meghan found out that she was in town, Samantha said, "I hoped we might have a chance to talk – that she would know that I was here. But I do not do not think it can happen. " If she had the chance to talk to the Duchess of Sussex, Samantha said she would tell her half-sister that it was "under the bridge water" and that she recognized their "out of control" problems.

So, what is Samantha's biggest grievance against the old Suit star?

"I think everyone was hurt not to have been included or invited to the wedding," she said. "But I had the impression that all of this could have been smothered in the bud if everyone had been included and we all agreed to go ahead. with a positive resolution, and that negative feelings would not have snowballed. " Sending directly to her sister, she says, "Believe it or not, it does not mean we love you less."

Samantha then apologized to Meghan saying, "I wish things were different."

According to Samantha, "media madness has been overwhelming" since her half-sister began dating British royalty. Bringing their father Thomas MarkleSamantha said, "It was very hurtful for our family, I can not imagine how hurtful it was for my sister, a lot of our reality was twisted, it's unknown – and it's unfortunate."

At one point, Jeremy insisted Samantha about Thomas's shooting before the royal wedding in May. She insisted that he was not earning much money on the paparazzi photos and she reiterated that she had orchestrated the arrangements to protect her public image. "The logic behind that, in fact, is that I became so tired that it was deliberately photographed in such a terrible, derogatory way," she said. Regarding the notion that Thomas was "taking advantage" of Meghan's sudden celebrity, she said: "He was refusing interviews for $ 50,000 – so it was clear that the money was not there. "And the little money that he received – 1,500 pounds – the photographers make money, not my father." While Samantha regrets the way the paparazzi have made their father "a horrible job", she did not know what else to do. "Because I like it, I said:" You can not afford to be seen in this way as a representation of who you are. "

Unfortunately, Thomas was unable to walk Meghan in the driveway because he had recently suffered a heart attack. "He really wanted to be there, he had planned a speech, he was really looking forward to seeing it.The doctors finally said:" You can not ignore that. "He was literally working on his speech up. "At the last minute," Samantha said, adding that he "wanted to be tough and brave."

ESC: Meghan Markle, Wedding, Beauty


But Jeremy doubted Samantha's motives. "You have so insulted Meghan, especially by accusing him of the death of his father while he is still alive," the animator said. "She would be well advised to climb the drawbridge over the royal castles, is not it, Samantha?"

Samantha, seemingly carefree, said she saw the situation differently.

"I wonder how you would feel, is it more insulting that people react to being ignored and feeling ignored or is it better that everyone keeps saying nothing?" she asked. "At first, when we spoke publicly, I thought we were open minded and even supportive.That fell into the ears of a deaf and the media turned it into something that was not there. "

In defending the media, Jeremy continued, "It's constantly rude, is not it, your public message?" Samantha argued that she felt protective of Thomas because "he was deliberately ignored". And then, Jeremy asked him to help him "understand" how much the alienation of Meghan would be useful. "We hoped that private channels would be used," she said. "And when they failed, we went in public."

Contrary to reports, Samantha said that no one in the palace had ever asked her to stop talking, and she claimed she "caught the media more" than her sister. The main thing she meant to Meghan was: "You do not insulate your family.You are a humanitarian." With people who made fun of their family, she wanted to stop it. "Maybe I was frustrated."

When Jeremy repeatedly asked Samantha for her insulting tweets directed at Harry and Meghan, she played them down every time, saying, "I'm a little fast-witted." She apologized for calling Meghan "The Duch-ASS" saying, "I've been working in radio and radio for a while and I've always been a little noisy, but I think I said it. "

Samantha guessed that Meghan might not have hurt. I felt that she should know better than to believe the tabloids. But I think, quite frankly, that she probably believed in her. I imagine that there is also a protocol according to which you say no matter what and I think everyone has had the snowball. "

Whatever it is, Samantha said, "I hope we can have a happy ending in history."

Samantha, who acknowledged that Meghan no longer had any reason to trust him, continued to congratulate Harry, saying, "He's such a kind and smart man." I would say that she found his prince. "

"She's in very good hands," added Samantha, "so I could not ask for more."

Samantha added that it was "strange" whenever she was accused of being jealous of Meghan. "I hear that, and it does not really make sense, I'm so much older than her, I've had my chances, I've made my choices," she said. she said. "And you love your brothers and sisters, you want them to do well." In regards to their drama, "We were a TV family, so when people say that it seems bigger than life – no, because in the end, people are people, and that's what it is. That's how I've always seen – she's happy, so that's what we wanted – all the bells and whistles and the royal status, with all due respect, are wonderful. but you want people to be happy.

Samantha also hopes that Meghan will reconcile with their 74-year-old father before it's too late. "All in all, I think our days are always numbered," she said. "Its maybe more."

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