Meghan Markle’s nephew blames BUCKINGHAM PALACE for family feud – they tore us APART | Royal | News


Meghan has notably cut her family off ever since she married her husband Prince Harry in May, and no longer speaks to her father and estranged siblings.

The Duchess’ nephew, Tyler Dooley, has spoken up for the first time on MTV’s new reality show The Royal World, revealing how Buckingham Palace has wreaked havoc for his family.

Mr Dooley said: “We do not speak to her father, and when we heard from the press that Meghan was dating Harry, it’s been a very tough journey. My family’s been torn apart.

“Had we had some guidance and assistance – perhaps from the Royal Family – we could have avoided a lot of this stuff.”

The 26-year-old, who resides in Oregon, grows marijuana on his own ranch.

He added: “People think I am in it for money but I work hard for my money.

“And I make a lot of money. I am somebody that is honest. If people know that, that means a lot. They are going to get to see the real me.”

Mr Dooley explained how the press has made life notably harder for him, and how Meghan’s marriage to Prince Harry had spun a media frenzy that has put him on “breaking point”.

He added: “It’s been a really tough time.

“The family has been torn apart. Seeing these vicious headlines about who I am. It’s been hard. The struggles in the past year have put me to breaking point.”

Mr Dooley explained how he idolised Meghan for her personality, and treated her like she was his sister because they were close in age.

He added: “Meghan is such a role model to so many people – especially women. She is so personable. I hope she can keep that. 

“Whatever you do, stay you, because there’s people looking up to you, at the end of the day.”

Meghan has cut off her family ever since she married Prince Harry, amid an on-going family drama between her sister Samantha Grant and father Thomas Markle.

Mr Markle missed Meghan’s wedding earlier in May, after allegedly suffering from a heart attack just days before the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Samantha Grant has made a series of furious outbursts at her sister, labelling her a “DuchASS” and accusing her of abandoning their father.

However, Mr Dooley said he hopes he can reach out to Meghan through The Royal World, as she was “like a sister to him” growing up.

The Royal World is a big Brother-style reality show which takes place in a luxurious mansion, with aristocrats and relatives of royal family’s from across the world.

A show source added: “Tyler is naturally attracting global headlines with the Markle connection but this is the cream of British and international society being filmed in a real environment which has never been done before. The results are hilarious and must-see TV.”

The Royal World airs every Wednesday at 10pm on MTV.

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