Meghan Markle’s pocket debacle


Meghan Markle’s first turn as a royal abroad has been a sartorial slam-dunk.

From evening gowns, to her first public appearance in sneakers, the expectant royal and her newlywed husband are winning over the Commonwealth on their 16 day tour, one photo op at a time.

While Meghan Markle has aligned herself as a breath of fresh air for the royal family, etiquette expert William Hanson says the 37-year-old American’s laid back persona in public is pushing the limit in royal decorum.

Image via Getty Images.

Now, body-language expert Judi James is weighing in on Markle’s pocket gate and suggests that the duchess’s ‘bad habit’ has less to do with being laid back and more to do with fashion.

Image via Getty Images.

We’re with Markle on the pocket debacle. If a dress has pockets, you let everyone know it — and you show them off with pride!

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