Meghan Markle's veil pays homage to her first date with Harry


When Meghan Markle saw her spectacular wedding dress and veil for the first time since the big day, she revealed a sweet secret.

A piece of blue cloth from the dress that she wore for her very first date with Prince Harry was sewn into the silk tulle veil of 16.5 feet long.

"It's my blue," Markle told ITV. "It's the fabric of the dress that I wore to our first date."

Meghan Markle borrowed something

The commentary comes from the upcoming ITV documentary, "Queen of the World", which pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth II and her relationship with the Commonwealth, an association of nations consisting mainly of former territories of the British Empire.

Markle's veil also included 53 embroidered flowers representing the 53 Commonwealth countries, which surprised his fiance.

"It was important for me, especially now that I'm part of the royal family, to incorporate the 53 Commonwealth countries," Markle said. "I knew it would be a funny surprise for my husband now. He was really on the moon. "

For Markle, "the borrowed thing", Queen Elizabeth lent her Queen Mary Diamond Diadem, made in 1932, which retained Markle's veil.

Check out the "something blue" reveals in the clip above, and the trailer for the documentary below. The program will air in Britain Tuesday and will air in the United States on October 1 on HBO.

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