Meghan Markle's visit to New Zealand includes an unexpected meeting with a friend from Instagram


Meghan Markle's visit to New Zealand with Prince Harry was a surprising part of the royal tour. She's accompanied by an unexpected and moving meeting with an Instagram fan. According to E! News, Markle and Prince Harry were leaving Auckland's Viaduct Harbor when she saw 20-year-old Hannah Sergel in the crowd. Sergel, a New Zealander, was a friend of Markle on Instagram before having to deactivate his account. Markle immediately rushed to say hello.

Sergel told 1 News Now NZ of his former friendship with Markle,

I was friends with her on Instagram before she had to disable her account. We used to have conversations and things out there. She told me to do well at university and encouraged me to be myself. It means the world for me. I am so fragile and angry. When I saw her for the first time, I cried.

Markle and Sergel hugged each other, then shared a quick, smiling exchange before Markle had to leave. But Sergel said that she was able to give Markle a letter that she had written for her, and Markle confirmed that she would read it.

Toe! News, Sergel said about this brief but emotional exchange: "It was so amazing!" She added: "She was so charming and kind despite the fact that I was rushed in. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet her face to face and I did not expect to a hug, I'm always on Cloud 9 to be honest! "

The manner in which Markle and Sergel initially met is not entirely clear, although Sergel confirmed that their friendship was strictly limited to communication with Instagram until their meeting in Auckland and that Markle followed him to turn on Instagram. Sergel is including a huge Suit fan, and traveled from Christchurch for the Auckland event.

Sergel's Instagram feed provides proof of their long-standing communication: she posted a video of Markle saying hello to him in January 2016. It's unclear exactly where Markle is in the video or who takes it, but Markle says: "Hello Hannah, so good to finally meet [you!] You are so favorable that I thank you for it. By sending you a lot of love, I hope to meet you soon. "

Two and a half years later, they finally met. Sergel subsequently published two series of Instagram posts about the meeting, containing both Markle's photos and videos, seeing Sergel in the crowd and approaching to say hello, his baby bump in plain view. Sergel captions one of the instagrams, "Thanks for everything, meghan royroyroy"

According to 1 News Now NZ, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff joined Markle and Prince Harry later that day. Sergel was not the only delighted fan to see them: Markle would also have received a bouquet of flowers from a girl who was moved to tears by their interaction, and Prince Harry also received a small toy Elephant-shaped girl.

Markle is currently pregnant for several months and is expecting her first child with Prince Harry in the spring of 2019.

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