Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry are expecting a royal baby for the spring of 2019


LONDON – If one of the main tasks of the royal family is to produce heirs, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are doing very well, thank you very much.

Kensington Palace announced Monday morning that the couple is expecting their first child in the spring of 2019.

Five months after their royal wedding televised abroad at Windsor Castle, Harry and Meghan continue to bask in the glow of a honeymoon under the spotlight of the notoriously critical British press – where the news of a royal baby on the way was greeted with shouts of joy and before. page titles in tabloids.

American Markle has assumed her royal duties as a seasoned professional. She is posed, she is suitable – and the queen would like her.

Prince Harry, 34, with red hair, is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II. Markle, 37, is a former actress.

Their child, seventh of the estate, will be a great-grandson of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh. With Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis and Prince Harry in front of the line of succession, it is unlikely – given the modern medicine and longevity of the Windsor House – that the baby is a monarch.

But forget the throne, the arrival of Meghan and Harry's son will be big news in March or April.

A spokeswoman for Kensington Palace said the duchess was "in good health".

She added that Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, "is very happy with this beautiful news and that she is looking forward to welcoming her first grandchild."

The reaction on social media was instant – and dizzying. A few minutes after the announcement, #RoyalBaby was in fashion all over the world.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said: "My warmest congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for the good news that they are expecting a baby in the spring. By wishing them the best. "

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan also reacted. "On behalf of the Londoners, I would like to extend our sincere congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for the good news they expect from their first child. Congratulations! #RoyalBaby, "he tweeted.

Many tweets were congratulations, but some were also curious. Some wondered if the baby would be American or British, while others wondered if the British could benefit from an extra day off. The British still fondly remember that they had had an extra holiday for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, now Cambridge.

In Britain, you can bet on almost everything, and bookmakers have been quick to suggest possible names for the new royal.

"Opening odds on the baby name of Harry and Meghan," announced bookmaker Ladbrokes, who cited Victoria, Albert, Arthur and Diana as favorite names.

The couple landed Monday morning in Sydney for a 16-day tour that begins in Australia – their first official royal tour. The trip follows the tradition of Harry's parents, Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales, whose first royal visit took place in Australia and New Zealand.

Speculation about a possible pregnancy appeared when the royal couple left their Qantas flight from London. Markle was holding several large purple files in front of her – the kind of material that could otherwise be handled by an assistant.

This trip is their first marriage abroad as a married couple and includes the other part of their work: making "engagement" and supporting good works.

Jennifer Hassan in London contributed to this report.

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