Meghan was not with Queen, Kate and Camilla at the Remembrance Ceremony


Meghan Markle was not standing alongside her royal family members at a Remembrance Day ceremony on Sunday, but that does not mean that she was despised.

During the solemn ceremony in honor of the victims of the First World War, Queen Elizabeth II, Kate Middleton and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall gathered around a balcony, while Meghan was watching from the balcony of another window located outside the cenotaph war memorial in London.

As the balconies in each window are small, it is almost impossible to house more than three or four women – and even though Meghan did not join her family members, she got a very important job.

During the ceremony, she watched with the wife of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Elke Budenbender.

Elke Budenbender, the wife of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and Meghan Markle

Elke Budenbender, the wife of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and Meghan Markle

TOLGA AKMEN / AFP / Getty Images

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, Queen Elizabeth II and Kate Middleton

Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, Queen Elizabeth II and Kate Middleton

TOLGA AKMEN / AFP / Getty Images

RELATED: Meghan, Harry, Kate and William join the Queen for the Remembrance Day ceremony in London

During official events, the royal family also organizes them according to a royal "hierarchical order".

For example, when Meghan made her official debut in Trooping the Color in June, she was not in the center of the stage, but stood behind Kate and Prince William.

"It may not have been as important as some might have hoped, but there is a hierarchy," said Joe Little, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, told people. "There was no intention, but William being older brother, older would come out [first] with his wife."

"[Meghan] was still in a good position, "added Little. "It was in the center rather than the alternative of being in the front row and along the balcony, left or right."

A palace source said the position of Meghan's balcony "would have come from her. There is no one to tell it, tell him where to stand. And there were a lot of kids that everyone would want in front.

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On Sunday night, Meghan, who is expecting her first child in the spring, came out wearing a black coat and hat, her hair pulled back.

Meanwhile, Kate wore a black coat with a white collar and red ornaments on her shoulders. She finished her look with a hat and earrings cream.

Both wore red poppies, symbols of the memory of the First World War and veterans.

The two sisters-in-law also wore black uniforms similar to Saturday's Remembrance Day ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall.

This is the first day of Meghan's Remembrance as a member of the Royal Family.

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Kate Middleton and Prince William

Kate Middleton and Prince William

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

On the Remembrance Sunday evening, Meghan, Harry, Kate and William will join the Queen and other members of the Royal Family for a service commemorating the Centennial of the Armistice at the Abbey from Westminster.

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