Melania Trump completes her first solitary trip abroad to Africa with the message "We care & # 39;


Melania Trump concluded her first major international solo trip as first lady, claiming that her four-country tour to Africa was supposed to send a message that "we are concerned".

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The trip to Ghana, Malawi, Kenya and Egypt propelled the first lady to the private spotlight in the limelight and out of negative looks on Washington in the midst of a bitter confirmation battle and controversial Supreme Court case against Brett Kavanaugh.

His visit was a positive point in the Trump administration's relations with Africa, which was held back by the president's derogatory remarks about some African nations.

"We care and want to show the world that we care and I work in partnership with USAID. And that's what I want to share, it's important to us, "Trump told reporters at his latest stop in Egypt.

She also stated that none of her guests had spoken of the derogatory remarks attributed to the President, adding that she had never heard him say these words.

At a meeting with lawmakers in January, President Trump declared himself frustrated by the draft bipartite immigration plan. He asked the people in the room why people from Haiti, Africa and other "bordering countries" would enter the United States. multiple sources informed or familiar with the discussion.

PHOTO: The First Lady, Melania Trump, carries a baby while she goes to the Greater Accra Regional Hospital in Accra, Ghana on October 2, 2018.Carolyn Kaster / AP
The first lady, Melania Trump, carries a baby while she goes to the Greater Accra Regional Hospital in Accra, Ghana on October 2, 2018.

On her last trip to Africa, the first lady said it was "amazing" and "unforgettable".

The trip was largely child-focused, in line with Melania Trump's "Be Best" initiative, and aimed to highlight the positive impact of US aid on the continent, which is another contrast with the president who proposed to cut more than 30 percent.

Congress rejected this proposal.

The First Lady praised what she described as "successful" programs of USAID, the US Agency for International Development, which she observed. during his trip.

But she opposed a pressure lobby from the president for it to increase funding for the foreign aid agency.

"We have money, so we help countries and we work hard to help them and we will continue to help," she said.

PHOTO: The First Lady, Melania Trump, visits Chipala Elementary School in Lilongwe, alongside Maureen Masi, Director, on October 4, 2018, during a visit to Malawi as part of her trip to Malawi. A week in Africa to promote its Be Best campaign.Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images
Young lady Melania Trump visits Chipala Elementary School in Lilongwe alongside Director Maureen Masi on October 4, 2018, during a visit to Malawi as part of her weeklong trip. Africa to promote its "Be Best" campaign.

During her travels, the first lady was warmly welcomed by her guests. Girls wearing flowers and the first ladies of each country welcomed the first lady on her arrival at the airport.

The first leg of Trump's trip brought her to Ghana, where she visited mothers and children in a hospital and laid a wreath at the "gate of no return" Cape Coast Castle – the last place many abducted Africans saw before being crammed. ships and sent to the Americas for a life of bondage.

She also visited Obama Hall, named in honor of the 44th president after visiting the continent in 2009 with his family.

A photo of Melania Trump cuddling a little boy during a visit to a hospital in Ghana became viral in the United States, thus offering a diversion from an otherwise intense domestic press cycle.

PHOTO: Accompanied by Kwesi Essel-Blankson, museum educator, First Lady Melania Trump visits Cape Coast Castle in Cape Coast, Ghana, one of dozens of centers of the transatlantic slave trade on 3 October 2018, during his trip to four African countries.Doug Mills / The New York Times via Redux
Accompanied by museum educator Kwesi Essel-Blankson, First Lady Melania Trump visits Cape Coast Castle in Cape Coast, Ghana, one of dozens of hubs of the transatlantic slave trade , during his trip to four African countries.

The first lady then traveled to Malawi, where she visited a primary school in Lilongwe that benefits from the USAID literacy program. She was greeted by a singing student choir upon her arrival at the school, where she exchanged with the children and donated her school supplies.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome," sang the children. "We are happy today, we are happy to see you."

She returned the favor with thanks, saying that she and her husband appreciate their support.

"Thank you for inviting me here and thank you for your warm welcome," she told the school in Malawi. "I wanted to be here to see the successful programs that the United States offers to children. And thank you for educating them so that they are "better": be of their best and become educated adults for generations to come. "

PHOTO: The First Lady, Melania Trump, is photographed while she arrives at the State House in Lilongwe, Malawi on October 4, 2018. Carlo Allegri / Reuters
The first lady, Melania Trump, is photographed while she arrives at the State House in Lilongwe, Malawi on October 4, 2018.

Melania Trump then went to Nairobi, Kenya. There, she fed baby elephants – one of which was gently pushed with force – and went on a safari.

The First Lady's emphasis on wildlife conservation in Kenya was another contrast to the policies of her husband's administration, which last year overruled Obama's ban on imports of trophies. elephants.

She also visited an orphanage in Kenya where she held and bounced children. She was surrounded by a group of older children singing and dancing. The first lady swayed and smiled when the children presented her stem with a stem of red and white roses.

PHOTO: The First Lady, Melania Trump, gives an interview to ABC News Tom Llamas.Tony Karumba / ABC News
First lady Melania Trump gives an interview to Tom Llamas of ABC News.

During the final leg of her trip, Melania Trump traveled to Egypt, where she was received by President Al Sisi and Egypt's First Lady at the Presidential Palace. She then visited the Pyramids and the Great Sphinx.

Melania Trump feeds a baby elephantBen Curtis / Pool via Reuters
Melania Trump feeds a baby elephant

What she wore during her trip attracted attention and comment, including on her intention to send a message on gender equality, with her choice to wear a tie and pants while visiting Egypt .

When she was asked about fashion choices by a journalist in Egypt, Trump said, "I would like people to focus on what I do and not on what I wear."

PHOTO: The First Lady, Melania Trump, in front of the Sphinx during her visit to the Pyramids of Cairo, Egypt, October 6, 2018.Carlo Allegri / Reuters
The First Lady, Melania Trump, in front of the Sphinx during her visit to the pyramids of Cairo, Egypt, October 6, 2018.

For his part, President Trump has not yet visited the African continent since taking office, and the White House has not said whether he intends to do so in the future.

At a rally this week, he offered him a positive account of his wife's trip.

"She's doing a great job as first lady, I'll tell you. Really great, "said President Trump at Tuesday's rally in Mississippi. And you think it's easy work? This is not an easy job. It's hard work. She is fantastic.

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