Melania Trump denies Stormy Daniels and the media their greatest desire: Attention


Hmay be the world's most famous troll, but Melania Trump seems to have acquired a knack for it herself. As Tomorrow is Coming from the News, the first lady seems intent on combating an overheated media with pure, calculated nonchalance.

Trump's affair with Stormy Daniels, the adult movie actress turned activist, Mrs. Trump could have pulled out Hillary Clinton and made public Trump so everyone should move on. Instead, she took a third, decidedly Trumpian, approach to the matter.

"It's not about mine focus," said Trump. "I'm a mother and a first lady and I have a lot more important things to think about and do."

[[more: Melania Trump spokesperson slams 'The View' co-host, tells her to 'check her facts'

As a point of contrast, when Llamas asked about her spokeswoman's rebuff of Rudy Giuliani's defense of the president, Trump responded with far more outrage.

"I never talked to Mr. Giuliani," said Trump, who said that she did not believe in having an affair with the president. As to why he said, "You have to ask him."

It's quite a feat. She refused to concede that the affair happened without cornering herself into lying. Where the president sometimes falters and huffs and puffs with the press, she stayed calm. And why should not she? The "Resistance" will decry her complicity white womanhood regardless of what she says or does.

The media continually rake her over the coals for wearing the perfect manolos on a tarmac, her accent, and her past career as a model. She has no reason to care for all of them. As Daniels' attorney and 2020 hopeful Michael Avenatti carves out a permanent seat on CNN, Melania expertly refused to include the president's throwaway paramour in her narrative.

"I could say I'm the most bullied person in the world," Trump later told Llamas. She's fully aware of the irony. She's taken to criticize media attention to her favorite in the most patriarchal regions in the world. In similar fashion, she turns the media's complaints against them.

She's certainly no idiot, just a world-class troll.

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