Melania Trump has totally changed her story with the jacket "I'm in the know"


The feeling triggered a media circus. Was she trying to send a message to President Donald Trump about his border policies? A message to the media about how they covered it? Democrats who were openly wondering how she could be married to her husband?

It was NONE of these things – insisted Stephanie Grisham, the first lady's spokeswoman. "It's a jacket," she said in response to media requests. "There was no hidden message."

Grisham has dubbed this message that nothing to see here in a subsequent tweet. "Today's visit with Texas children has had a huge impact on @FLOTUS" she tweeted. "If the media spends their time and energy on their actions and efforts to help children – rather than speculate and focus on their wardrobe – we could do a lot for children." #SheCares #ItsJustAJacket. "

And now we know that the line that Grisham was trying to sell was simply wrong. How? Melania Trump told us!

She told Tom Llamas at ABC News that she wore the jacket "for people and for the left-wing media that criticize me, and I want to show them that I'm plugging it." (The ABC interview took place during Melania Trump's trip to Africa but aired Friday night.)
This echoes the way the president described his wife's decision to wear the jacket at the time. "I'm really crazy, is not it? Written on the back of Melania's jacket, refers to the Fake News Media," Trump tweeted. "Melania has learned how dishonest they are and she does not really care anymore!"

So, Melania and Donald Trump are now on the same page. But Melania Trump of June and Melania Trump of October are not.

At one level, it's all stupid. Who cares about the jacket of the first lady? Has this had a significant impact on her interactions with children separated from their parents at the border or her husband's immigration policies? Almost certainly not.

At the same time, why not just tell the truth? Why lie about something so stupid? It's not like the Trumps had a great relationship with the media in June that she feared compromising. Literally, nothing has changed between June and now as to how Trump interacts with the press. They despised the media at the time, they despised them now.

This reflexive answer is the kind of thing that has become common in this administration. Whatever the media (or "enemies"), say the opposite. May the truth be accursed.

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