Melania Trump speaks about "the most intimidated person in the world"


WASHINGTON – Melania Trump, the first lady, explained that her public awareness campaign on children's issues had been incorporated into social media abuses in the slogan "Be Best": she herself is one of the victims the most famous bullying in the world.

"I could say I'm the most intimidated person in the world," Trump said in a statement. interview with ABC News it was filmed during his visit to Kenya last week.

When asked to clarify whether she really believed that, Ms. Trump seemed to interrupt.

"One of them," said Ms. Trump, "if you really see what people are saying about me."

Mrs. Trump, who is one of the most visible women in a country increasingly divided, is not exactly wrong: every public statement she makes, whether to offer words of comfort after a tragedy or to promote one of his initiatives, meets a flood of abuse, including hateful comments and sharp photos of his career as a model.

But her comment puts it once again in contrast with her husband, who is known to intimidate both opponents and allies. And at about the same time that ABC was broadcasting his interview, the president was fighting publicly against his enemies on Fox. In a long interview with "Fox & Friends", his favorite morning program, Mr. Trump was asked about the "heat" he had suffered for attending a "Make America Great Again" rally in Pennsylvania, while a deadly hurricane had hit Florida.

"I really had very little heat apart from natural enemies," Mr. Trump said. "In relation to other things, I think it was very minor."

On her recent six – day trip to four African countries, Trump used her high profile to highlight the work Trump 's administration has done to help with foreign aid. Visiting children, feeding baby elephants and cuddly orphans, Ms. Trump, a notoriously private first lady, has also made progress in showing her more open-minded side, not to mention an increasingly isolationist presidential administration in her foreign politic.

Ms. Trump was less successful in avoiding criticism of what she was wearing. She was accused of being unaware of the struggles of African peoples when she decided to wear a white spine helmet – symbol of colonial rule – during a Kenya safari. The outfit she wore to visit the Great Sphinx in Egypt was also criticized for being too much like a costume.

"I want people to focus on what I do," Ms. Trump said, exasperated, in rare public comments to reporters: "Not what I wear."

Trump shares her husband's grievances about how assets are treated in the media. She also shares her mistrust of people outside Trump's restricted circle: In the interview, which is due to be broadcast in full this weekend, Ms. Trump also said that there were helpers in the west wing that her husband could not trust. "It's harder to govern," said Trump. "You must always watch your backs."

Stephanie Grisham, her director of communications, said that speaking of her own experience in interviewing ABC, the first lady was trying to argue a broader point and attract renewed attention on his initiative.

"Her point was that people can be very cruel online," said Ms. Grisham. "So it's with Be Best that she hopes to educate kids and provide them with tools to help them deal with dangerous behaviors online."

Ms. Trump is not the first person in her role to deal with a hate barrage online. His predecessor, Michelle Obama, regularly treated racist remarks and remarks, and continues to do so: after the official portraits of the President and Mrs. Obama were unveiled earlier this year, critics mocked them. racist images.

"Over the years, people have used a lot of interesting words to describe me," Ms. Obama said in an address delivered to Tuskegee University in 2015. "The information about the cable has nicely qualified as "Obama Baby Mama".

Mrs. Obama added that her husband was still being criticized by people accusing him of being a Kenyan citizen under the so-called baker's movement popularized by Mr. Trump: "Still today, people are questioning his citizenship."

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