A plane carrying the First Lady, Melania Trump, was forced to return to the Andrews Common Base on Wednesday, after the smoke hit the cabin. Trump spokeswoman said everyone was safe after the plane landed. (October 17)

Corrections and clarifications: An earlier version of this story mentioned the wrong date. The incident occurred on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON – The plane that was to deliver the first lady Melania Trump to Philadelphia had to suddenly return to the Andrews Common Base on Wednesday morning due to a "mechanical problem".

Trump's representative, Stephanie Grisham, confirmed in the US TODAY that there was a "minor mechanical problem" in the aircraft, which a pool report identified as being a Boeing C-32A. Grisham added, "All is well and everyone is safe."

About 15 minutes after the flight started, smoke was visible and a burning scent was detectable inside the plane, according to a report from the pool. A staff member of the First Lady then announced that the aircraft had encountered a "mechanical problem" and that it would return to the Andrews Common Base, the report continues.

According to the report, wet washcloths were distributed to passengers to combat the smell and the plane landed shortly after 9am.

Images shared by The Hill on Twitter show the landing of Trump.

President Trump said he spoke to his wife after his unplanned landing and said everyone was "fine" in his interview with Fox Business Network.

"They came back in. She got on another plane and I said," I hope this plane will be better than the first one, "said the president about their conversation.

Trump travels to Philadelphia for an opioid addiction event as part of his Be Best initiative. She is heading to the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital for an appointment with families struggling with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).

Grisham confirmed in the US TODAY that the trip is proceeding as planned as a result of the maintenance problem. A second plane was shipped at 9:55, says the report from the pool.

According to a press release issued by the office of the first lady before the incident, Trump will be accompanied by Secretary of Health Services and Social Services, Alex Azar. She is scheduled to visit the hospital's neonatal intensive care nursery and deliver an opening speech at a conference organized by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

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