Melissa McCarthy talks about the breeding of strong girls


In his new film Can you ever forgive me?, Melissa McCarthy Lee Israel, a writer who sold fake letters to the literary elite after the start of her career in the early 90s. Although Israel, who pleaded guilty to the crime in 1993 and was sentenced to Six months of house arrest and five years of probation, is not really a typical pattern, McCarthy's inspired on one side of the character – and pulled a valuable lesson forward to his two girls (with a 13 year old husband) Ben Falcone), Vivian, 11, and Georgette, 8 years old.

"She did not need you to like him," says McCarthy, 48. of Israel, in the new issue of We weekly. "She was fine as she was, and it's a huge takeaway. I was happy for the reminder. I say to my children all the time, for example, it is you who determine your self-esteem. Not what others think of you. "

Melissa McCarthy in Can you always forgive me?
Melissa McCarthy in the movie "Can you forgive me?" Courtesy of Mary Cybulski / 20th Century Fox

McCarthy finds the difficult message particularly important to convey these days. "I think we do so much now:" What do you think of me? "" Look at my vacation, do you like it? "" Said the actress We. "The thing about Lee is, even though [ignoring what others thought of her] made things much more difficult for her, she did not care.

His mission is not new. In 2016, McCarthy said We she teaches her daughters to "thank you" when someone compliments them. "I hope this is one of the many ways I can show my daughters that it's good to love who you are. It's good that everyone is different. You are not also supposed to be the same. I always say that if we were all the same with my daughters, we would all be robots.

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To find out more about McCarthy's new role and how she raises her daughters, check out the new issue of We weekly, on the stands now.

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