Meningococcal Epidemic at the State University of San Diego


Health officials in San Diego County on Friday determined that an outbreak of meningococcal disease is on the campus of the University of San Diego after confirmation of a second case this semester.

The most recent case is an undergraduate student who became symptomatic with meningitis on September 25th. Tests at the California Department of Public Health revealed that the disease was caused by meningococcal serogroup B, the same bacteria.

Close contacts of the new case have been identified and antibiotics have been provided to prevent disease. Antibiotics are not necessary for those who are not in direct contact.

A third case is that of an undergraduate student from SDSU, who did not go to class and lived off campus in June, during the summer holidays. This case was also caused by the same serogroup of the bacteria.

Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H, County Public Health Officer, recommends that all students under 24 years old who have not been vaccinated with SDSU be vaccinated with one of two available meningococcal B vaccines.

Meningitis Symptoms / Public Domain Image / Mikael Häggström
Meningitis Symptoms / Public Domain Image / Mikael Häggström

Symptoms of meningococcal disease may include fever, severe headache, lethargy, stiff neck and / or skin rash that does not bleach under pressure. Anyone with potential exposure and developing any of these symptoms should immediately contact a health care provider or emergency room for an evaluation of the possibility of a meningococcal infection.

Bacteria can be transmitted through close contact, for example by sharing glasses, cooking utensils, cigarettes, pipes or bottles of water; s & # 39; kissing; and living in nearby neighborhoods. The time between exposure to the disease and the onset of symptoms can range from two to ten days.

Preventative antibiotics are not recommended for people who are not in close contact with the infected person and who do not have symptoms. They should be aware of the possible symptoms and make sure that they have received the recommended vaccine against the disease.

Ten cases of meningococcal disease were reported in San Diego County this year, the highest number reported since 2013. Serogroup B represents six of the ten cases reported in 2018.

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