Merkel dodge a political ball with a controversial deal on migrants


German Chancellor Angela Merkel survived a deadly challenge of her authority with a compromise deal on immigration, but faced Tuesday accusations of a final goodbye to her welcoming stance towards refugees . Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who threatened the survival of his fragile coalition government, put an end to his hopes and his future.

In separate statements, Merkel praised the "very good compromise". Seehofer withdrew a threat of resignation and jubilant that "it's worth fighting for your convictions."

In a pact on both sides hailed as a victory, Merkel and Seehofer agreed to tighten border controls and set up closed detention centers. asylum seekers and repatriations of those who are rejected.

They would be returned to the EU countries that had already registered them or, in the case the arrival countries reject this proposal – presumably Italy first-line – in Austria, in waiting for an agreement with Vienna.

The general secretary of the CSU has called the proposal tougher last pillar "of a change of asylum policy" after a massive influx has brought more than a million migrants and of refugees.

But critics and doubts were quickly expressed by other parties and groups, suggesting that Merkel only got a temporary respite. "Detention centers in the no man's land" and accused of having played the policy of German power "on the backs of those in need of protection".

Bernd Riexinger of the far-left party Die Linke SPD leader Andrea Nahles expressed his cautious support, but said his party needed support from the party. 39, another ally of the coalition, the Social Democrats (SPD). d) discuss "many issues" on the plan with his experts before holding a joint meeting with the CDU / CSU bloc Tuesday at 16:00 GMT

One of the SPD migration experts, Aziz Bozkurt, was in in a state of withering. Detention centers would be "impassable and on track with the AfD" – the far-right party that has most violently criticized immigrants

– "Toxic mood" –

After clashing an unprecedented mutiny by Seehofer, leader of his party's traditional Bavarian allies, the CSU

Failure to defuse the open conflict would have threatened the end of their 70-year-old alliance, a scenario that would have forced Merkel to find new partners or call new elections.

Daily circulation bild – who had called the weeks battle "Merkel's end" after 12 years in power – gave lukewarm acceptance to the deal to save face.

"The CDU and the CSU ha" It has now come to an agreement that they could have reached three years ago, "he said, referring to the peak of the massive influx of In the middle of 2015.

"It is possible that this solution works." "But it is certain that the atmosphere in a coalition has never been as toxic as this one." [19659015TheLiberalFreeDemocratopposition(FDP)saidthatitsupportedmeasuresagainstthismigrationwithintheEUsayingthattheeffectivenessoftheagreementremained"

The main problem was that it relied on pacts with other EU states" which remain to be agreed at a future stage ", FDP chief Marco Buschmann said Austrian Defense Minister Hans Peter Doskozil told Bild that he was expecting the government to reject an agreement that was "bad for the government". EU and bad for Austria ". Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache, of the far-right party, warned last week that the day Germany would send migrants "we will be ready and secure our own borders"

. Yesterday evening, German Chancellor Angela Merkel ended a dangerous dispute with her Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, who had threatened the survival of his fragile coalition government

According to the new agreement, the migrants would be returned in already registered or, in the event that the countries of arrival reject that – including probably the frontline Italy – be returned to Austria, pending an agreement with Vienna [19659019] In a pact on both sides hailed as a victory, Merkel and Seehofer border controls and establishment of closed detention centers to allow the prompt processing of asylum seekers and the repatriation of those who are rejected [19659020] [ad_2]
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