Merkel says migration could make or break the US


If it does not reach an agreement that would allow it to roll back some groups of migrants to the German border, the Bavarians could leave its government, a decision that would probably prevent it from working after almost 13 years The leader German and the opener in the months of uncertainty in the most influential country of the European Union.

In front of a rowdy Parliament on Thursday, she essentially confused her own destiny with that of the union. Either Europe masters this challenge of migration, proves to other countries that "we are driven by values ​​and we depend on multilateralism, not on unilateralism" or "no one will believe more in our value system "

Yet, Merkel acknowledged that Germany and other European countries were not yet" where we want to be. "Among the seven points to discuss in Brussels, two remained particularly difficult, she said: how to distribute The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said in Brussels, before the meeting, that leaders should "focus on the foreign policy of the European Union. EU. "

borders, including the landing platform project", as the flow of migrants has slowed down. Since 2015, Mr Tusk said: "We managed to limit the migration flow by 96% only because we decided to cooperate with third countries and to block illegal migration outside the EU" [19659005]. a chaotic border closure – also within the EU – as well as the growing conflict between EU But given the firm stance taken by countries like Italy, Austria and Hungary, Mr Tusk suggested that Europe should act. "Some may think that I am too harsh in my proposals on migration, but believe me, if we do not agree, then you will see really difficult proposals from really hard people," he said. Mr. Tusk. . Merkel agreed, rejecting the idea of ​​unilaterally returning migrants to the border. Such a move would have a knock-on effect far beyond Germany, she warned, endangering the European project of displacement without borders.

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