Merkel seeks to appease German rebels on migration


German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her party CDU will discuss plans to reduce immigration Sunday as conservative rebels also meet, in key negotiations likely to determine the fate of his government.

Since 1965, more than one million asylum seekers have been hosted in Germany.

Politics has provoked a brutal reaction from the conservative CSU coalition and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, even threatening to unilaterally dismiss Friday the 28-member EU have reached a difficult agreement to fight against migration and avoid a crisis that threatens the very fabric of the bloc.

Thereafter, Merkel announced that she had also reached separate agreements with Spain and Greece on the reinstatement of asylum seekers.

According to a document sent to the CSU and the coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party Merkel also concluded similar agreements with a total of 14 countries including France and the Central European countries which fiercely criticized its migration policies, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

Two of the countries mentioned – Hungary and

– Admission Centers –

Ms Merkel also proposes that migrants arriving in Germany and registered in another EU country be placed in Special Treaty Detention Centers The treaty stipulates that the agreements reached by Merkel could appease the intransigent rebels of his government

Seehofer, meanwhile, must decide whether or not he should execute a threat of embezzlement to the border of migrants already registered in his country.

This action would force Merkel to dismiss him, which would likely result in a CSU strike that would cost the Chancellor his majority in Parliament

. The leaders of the CDU will meet in Berlin while the leaders and the parliamentary group of the CSU will meet in Munich

They follow the leaders of the EU who agree to consider the creation of "platforms of landing "outside the EU, probably in North Africa. to deter migrants and refugees from boarding contraband boats.

Member countries could also set up treatment centers to determine whether newcomers are returning home as economic migrants or admitted as refugees in voluntary states. Bavarian Prime Minister CSU Markus Soeder said: "Of course, what has been achieved in Brussels is more important than we originally thought." At a political meeting on Saturday .

Interior Minister Seehofer still has to answer in public at the Brussels summit.

In Germany, asylum seekers already registered in his country would be kept in "admission centers" under very restrictive conditions, according to the eight-page document.

"There will be a residency obligation reinforced by sanctions," writes the document.

Elsewhere, the document recalls that requests for asylum in Germany between January and May of this year were 20% lower than those for the same period in 2017.

– Merkel-bashing –

The chancellor's frenetic last-minute diplomacy was ultimately provoked by the fear of losing The "Free State" with its alpine beer and lederhosen traditions, the powerful industries and the impenetrable dialect has a more conservative penchant than other regions of the country. # 39; Germany.

But the CSU and the CDU together form a center-right force that has dominated national politics for decades.

Now the CSU is threatened by an anti-refugee alternative, anti-Islamic for Germany (AfD), propelled to the federal parliament For the first time last year, the massive influx of Migrants

did not help the cause of its allies, as showed a Forsa poll last week, where about 68 percent of Bavarians supported Merkel's quest. Will divisions on migration divide the German conservative coalition and mark the end of the line for Chancellor Angela Merkel?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned the issue of migration "could end up determining the fate of Europe"

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