Messages Show Roger Stone Attacks WikiLeaks Backchannel


Special advocate Robert Mueller has copies of vitriolic and sometimes threatening messages that Roger Stone sent to Randy Credico, a witness at the investigation, according to sources close to this one.

The investigators examined SMS and emails and questioned witnesses about trying to harass or intimidate Credico, according to people close to the case. Stone, a long-time political advisor to President Donald Trump, said Credico, a political activist and progressive radio host in New York, served as a relay for WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign. Credico denied acting as a politician. # 39; intermediate.

CNN obtained copies of some of the messages. In an exchange, Stone responds to the news that Credico has received a subpoena from Mueller.

"Waste your time, tell him to go f himself," Stone wrote.

"Who?" Credico asked.

"Mueller," says Stone.

In April, other messages show that Stone would accuse Credico of cooperating with Mueller.

"Everyone says you wear a thread for Mueller," Stone writes in a message. Another said: "Vital people know that you are carrying a wire and are looking for Mueller at f — Assange."

The messages suggest that Mueller may be pursuing obstruction or testifying to Stone's falsification charges. Stone said that he had not been contacted by Mueller investigators. But close to a dozen of his associates and former associates have been summoned for interviews or testimony before Mueller's grand jury.

"Our text messages and emails must be viewed as a whole to see that (sic) is not a serious effort to intimidate or pressure Randy to do anything, put share the truth about the truth, "said Stone in a statement to CNN, adding that he encouraged Credico to tell the truth in other posts.

Stone explained that his words about the wearing of the wire were a joke and added that he did not believe that Credico had actually been summoned to appear.

Mueller's team accused Paul Manafort and one of his collaborators of conspiracy and obstruction of justice for contacting potential witnesses after Manafort was charged with taxes and other charges and tried to bring their testimony possible.

Manafort pleaded guilty after being convicted of eight counts and cooperated with the investigation of the special council.

"For me, you have to distinguish between the kind of rejected lover and the person who really intends to act or truly threaten what she could offer to her board" said Michael Zeldin, a lawyer at CNN.

But even if the individual messages do not constitute an obstruction, falsification or threat of witnesses, if in total they "describe a guy who is trying to influence a witness who might have a testimony against him, then that's all." is more problematic, "said Zeldin.

A spokesman for the council office declined to comment.

"The communications between Randy and Roger Stone to the extent that we have had were provided to the special advocate," said Martin Stolar, a lawyer in Credico. "I will not confirm the contents of any of them."

Stone and Credico have a complicated history that extends over more than ten years. Over the years, they worked together on political campaigns and called themselves friends. But it's a difficult friendship. For example, a few years ago, Stone launched a rumor that Credico was dead.

Stone said he identified Credico with his backchannel reluctantly, which caused Credico's outrage.

"When I told Randy that I might have to reveal his name, as my lawyers had recommended after my appearance before the House Intelligence Committee, he did not In fact, he was furious that I should be prepared to go to jail rather than reveal his name, "Stone told CNN before. "At no time have I ever suggested that he cooperate with any formal investigation, plead the fifth and do nothing but tell the truth."

The New York Times was the first to raise concerns about the falsification of witnesses.

The treasure of messages between Stone and Credico demonstrates their tense relationship. Both men are mutually insulted by SMS and email. Stone regularly claims that Credico – who has a history of drug and alcohol abuse – is an alcoholic.

"Smother yourself in your own vomit," Stone said in return. Credico retorted, accusing Stone of being an addict and a liar.

Asked about the drug charges, Stone told CNN that his efforts to legalize marijuana were not a secret, but "I actually prefer a cocktail".

"Our texts are the nocturnal scrambles of two grumpy political veterans who have known each other for years: they are friendly and mean, vicious, vicious, with a sense of humor and inconsistent villains," Stone told CNN. .

Among the poisonous messages, one can also glimpse their long-standing friendship, including dinner invitations and Stone's offer to help Credico find work.

The ensuing saga around the Mueller probe contributed to the deterioration of their friendship.

In a caustic exchange between the two men, Stone calls Credico "rat" and threatens to take his dog, a soft white cotton from Tulear named Bianca. Bianca accompanied Credico to appear before the grand jury in September, with the permission of the Special Council Office.

"You hunt down your friends, run your mouth, my lawyers are dying, tear you apart," Stone wrote. "I'm going to take you this dog.This is not something you can do because you're a weak broken s–."

Credico replied: "You do not have the constitutional right to threaten me and especially not to threaten my dog ​​… you have crossed a red line."

"Rot in hell," Stone replied.

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